Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera power leveling should have a time limit - YDL

129773822062656250_0Stand review in the near future, Prime Minister Wen Jiabao: prohibit the use of public funds to purchase cigarettes fine wine and gift Wen Wen Jiabao, the direction of reform and opening up in China and policy will not change: If oil prices increase Wen Jiabao, the country prepared to direct subsidies to farmers: to develop overall income distribution system reform programme this year Wen Jiabao: firmly implementing the real estate market regulation policy26th convened the Fifth Commission of the State Council work, the CPC Central Committee Politburo Standing Committee member and State Council Premier Wen Jiabao made a speech. He stressed that currently looks forward to building and the people is still a big gap between anti-corruption, corruption in the Executive power is concentrated by sector and area of financial resources management of prone-prone, social undertakings, State-owned enterprises and other cases of corruption in the area graduallyIncreasing corruption issues still outstanding in leading cadres. Wen Jiabao stressed that the biggest danger is corruption of the ruling party. This solution is not good, may change the nature of the regime tera power leveling, "when a man dies his Administration will be cast away". This is a very serious major challenges we face.����This year we will focus on the following aspects of the work. (A) promoting the reform of administrative examination and approval system�� Departments and local government and management functions of the existing examination and approval matters to review them one by one, then canceled and adjust a number of examination and approval. Loose the key restrictions on investment in social capital, breaking monopolies, opening, equitable access, and encourage competition. Perfect set and strict implementation of the approved projects and implementation of the system. There is no legal basis, any administrative organ may not set or set in disguiseMatters.����Strengthening the supervision of examination and approval powers, promoting the approval process, the results of the public, strengthening monitoring of the whole process. (B) promoting the reform of marketization of public resource allocation. Improve the system of transfer of State-owned land and mineral rights, regulation of State-owned construction land transfer avoidance in "auction", violations of provisions setting the conditions of transfer and intervention of leading cadres, and so on. Deepen the GovernmentReform of the procurement system. Improving procurement budget, bidding, expert reviews, vendor management system. Speeding up the construction of national e-government procurement trading platform, implementation of the electronic government procurement business process operation. Promoting the reform of tender and bid management. Consolidation departments dispersed established bidding market, speed up the establishment and perfection of standardized bid and public resourcesTrading markets. (C) deepening the reform of financial management. Improving the financial transfer payment system, gradually reducing the special transfer payments, expanding the scale of General transfer payments. Perfect transfer project funds management, capital allocation process and results of open systems, open and transparent management. Deepening the reform of the budget management system. Improve budgeting scientific and precisionLevels of refinement, strict control and adjustment of expenditure on budgetary matters. All Governments above the County budget by year's end, the conditions of the rural level budget unit all of the centralized receipt-payment system. Devote major efforts to advancing the opening of accounts for the budget. Review of departmental budget departments of the State Council and submitted to the national people's Congress, to open all of the budget form, and refined to a level subjects, education, medical and health, Social security and employment, "Agriculture", affordable housing and other spending down to the item level subjects. (D) administrative expenditure management reform. Strict control "Excellencies," funds continue to zero this year. Prohibition of using public money to buy cigarettes, expensive wines and gifts. Strengthen the management of vehicle preparation, clean up and standardize the buggy to purchase and use. Unit official reception costs,Vehicle acquisition and operating costs, to go abroad on official exit requirements to be more open. Strict control of the administrative authorities, State-owned enterprise or institution to build decoration of halls and buildings such as office building. Prohibition of excessive use and luxury Office decoration, prohibiting the use of public funds and influence purchase, look odd to spend another stone and high-end art decoration business. Strict control and regulate the celebrations, seminars, forumsActivities, such as State-owned and State-holding enterprises, State-owned financial institution shall not sponsor and above not related to business activities. (E) strengthening the Administration and financial management of State-owned enterprises and institutions. Expand the scope of business-card system implemented, at all levels of Government by the end of this year and the budget units to implement business-card settlement system. Enhanced cash management, improved invoice management and financeReimbursement system.����Step up the formulation of State-owned enterprises and financial institutions duty consumption tera power leveling, head of the prohibitions. (Vi) do a good job of combating corruption and building a long term basis in a down-to-earth manner. Strengthening the honesty and self-discipline of leading cadres, strictly implement the system of leading cadres to report personal matters relating to, on the spouses ' children have emigrated to countries (borders), national staff management system. Strengthen supervision, Research related to promoting leading cadres to report personal matters in public within a certain range. To vigorously strengthen the building of political, outstanding treatment lazy questions and the executive authorities do not act tera gold, as undesirable. Take effective measures to address the problem of long meetings, file. Resolutely correct the unhealthy practices of prejudice to the interests of the masses. Code for cleaning areas such as banking, telecommunications, circulation services. StrengtheningOn protecting the rights and interests of rural land and urban-rural development monitoring of requisition. Solve the affordable housing construction, distribution, operation, management and other aspects of the problem.����Strictly investigate and deal with cases of corruption. --------------------------------The State Council: encouraging private capital entering railway according to the Chinese Government in areas such as network March 22nd, recently approved and transmitted to the development and Reform Commission of the State Council of the 2012 focus on deepening economic reform, asked various departments to conscientiously implement. The opinion called, further promoting the strategic adjustment of State-owned economy, sound and withdraw from others and reasonable flowing mechanism of State-owned capital; research development of railway reform programmes, deepening the reform of electric powerProposed reforms and policy measures to straighten out the relationship between coal and electricity; step up perfecting the encouraging supporting measures to guide the healthy development of private investment and implementation details of encouraging private capital entering railway, services, financial services, energy, telecommunications, education, health care and other fields. The opinions put forward, accelerate the reform of finance and taxation, steadily expanding the scope of tax levying sales tax pilot industries and regions, suitableExpanded property tax when in scope; deepening financial reform, actively cultivating for small micro-enterprises and "Agriculture" of smaller financial institutions, amending the General rules for loan, reasonable guiding private financing, deepen the reform of interest rate market-oriented, system of perfecting the system of shares and the delisting. The opinion also argues that deepening the reform of prices of resource products and properly promoting the reform of electricity prices, itEffects of residents stepped electricity price reform, deepen the reform of oil product prices are market-oriented reforms launched more or less programme; deepening the reform of income distribution and social security system, step up the formulation of overall programme of reform of income distribution system, regulate the civil service allowance subsidy system, promoting the implementation of pay-for-performance system in public institutions, measures for the reform of State-owned enterprise wages management, accelerate research workers in urban enterprises FoundationPensions and manpower programmes throughout the country. (NET the securities times) detailed rules for the implementation of private capital solutions promise "private capital into some areas of monopoly has been ', glass doors, ' ' spring ', ' new article 36 ' (the State Council concerning the encouragement of some opinions and guide the healthy development of private investment) are not always implemented. "Member of the National Committee, the newHope group chairman Liu Yonghao said in an interview with the media.����Huge private capital investment has been much concern, in particular, a number of private capital was certified flow "property market", "market", "market for illegal loan sharks", after its investment guide will become the current "two sessions," the NPC deputies and CPPCC members focus of heated debate. In fact, private capital investment is no lack of national concern. Early7 years ago they introduced "non-public sectors of the economy under article 36", in 2010, the State Department announced a "new 36", which is on the basis of the former, in policy and doing a lot of clear provisions on the access details. These initiatives concern many people believe that private capital into the solution seems to be only a matter of time. This special "care" did win privateCheer enterprises also brings many looking forward to private enterprise. But then a few years development of the private sector is still not optimistic, private capital "no rehousing" dilemma. Experts said that "with the ' new 36 ' issued, in theory, private capital entering barriers to monopoly industries such as energy, telecommunications, municipal services have been cancelled, but barriers still exist in reality,Restricted to registered capital. "Look forward to, vision also exacerbated feelings of frustration," two sessions ", some NPC deputies and CPPCC members from private business" out their grievances ", except that" monopolies remains the same, non-gate ", they are more worried about the" raise the cost of thin profit "and" a lack of demand, excess "issue will threaten the survival of private enterprise. Therefore, these have been described as "Most vitality "of small business needs to support and guide national policies introduced. In this year's Government work report, Premier Wen Jiabao made clear that 2012 we should conscientiously implement the State Council concerning the encouragement of some opinions and guide the healthy development of private investment, improve and implement policy measures for promoting the development of non-public ownership economy to break the monopoly,Access to wide, encouraging private capital entering railway, services, financial services, energy, telecommunications, education, health care and other fields.����Subsequently, the Director of the national development and Reform Commission Zhang ping stressed that each relevant State Council departments must ensure that introduced specific rules for the implementation of the first half of the year, solve the "glass door", "Spring". Both stressed that private capital can enter again toEnterprise-led monopolies, is also once again offered to solve the "glass door", "Spring", address the core of "implementation." "Implementation" is accelerating the pace of, in fact, as early as at the beginning of this year, the State Council has once again stressed that full implementation of civil investment "new 36" the importance of, and specifically to introduce detailed rules for the implementation of the community's final completed in time. 221st national development and Reform Commission convened a conference attended by the 45 departments, a meeting request, all departments concerned to strictly follow a clear division of tasks and responsibilities of the State Council, step up the formulation of introducing detailed rules for the implementation of targeted, actionable.����And stressed the need to develop work plans, schedules, ensuring that complete the task on time. For the implementation of "new 36" promulgation of the rules,Some non-governmental representatives of the business community members think and requires much more than ever before. Chen Zemin, Chairman of the national people's Congress, three group believes that rules should develop in order to create a market environment of fair competition, open, and transparent as a core principle, guaranteed private capital investments, financing and profit distribution in monopoly areas enjoy equal opportunities, minimize unnecessary intervention on enterprise,Threshold of the pine variety of prohibited and restricted nature.����, Member of the National Committee of the CPPCC Beijing xingpai sporting goods Group Chairman and Chief Executive of Gan lianfang recommendations, should have a time limit, such as numbers, dates, specific rules for the implementation of the standards of quantitative considerations, so as to enhance the implementation of executive power. At the same time, we also noted that the Commission referred to the introduction of detailed rules for the implementation of targeted and actionableSexual. Representatives of the national people's Congress, Minister of Organization Department of the provincial party Committee of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, Cai Qi said in a media interview, "as long as the operability of the Central rules, plain, simple, easier to handle, local governments can lead to the matching rules at any time. "Although the details have not been introduced, guiding private capital but the relevant departments to the nation's new initiativeHas begun to be implemented. On March 12, National Federation of urban infrastructure investment fund was officially launched, this first phase of the Fund raised capital will focus on oil and gas pipelines and other energy infrastructure investment. According to fund charge, initial contributor other than oil in large State-owned capital, there are some private enterprises in industry and commerce system,This indicates that private capital into the energy and infrastructure sectors have a new forum. (Financial times), Wen Wen Jiabao, breaking the monopoly access to encourage fair competition: the biggest danger is corruption in the ruling party, Wen Jiabao: Wen Jiabao, promoting the reform of marketization of public resource allocation: improving the system of State-owned land use right transfer of mining rights and Wen Jiabao: the deepening of financial managementWen Jiabao, the reform: promoting open Government to create conditions for the masses ' supervision Government Wen Jiabao: protection type housing spending down to the item level subjects such as Wen Wen Jiabao, the prohibition of using public funds to purchase cigarettes fine wine and gifts: vigorously promoting budget open Others:

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