Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera power leveling even if Amazon prices again much cheaper than new eggs - OLZ

129770868845000000_12New egg challenge says yelin new egg Mall COO Chi Yong of China three office computers, store most of the content is now in the United States listed companies ' financial reports, from time to time he will conduct an analysis of the data on these companies. "Why this is the case in China, to listed to put something together, then they lose a mess report, the entireSales and advertising are not proportional. "Chi Yong letter as in the United States new egg 8-year veteran, operating routes familiar to the entire group.  Last June from the United States as chief operating officer of headquarters calling into China, he claimed to be the United States sent to China's stability and the implementation of the Board's main business principles people. Chi Yong is least able to understand China's enterprisesNot for profit in the first place, "this is awful. "He repeated that phrase.  The US and the world's largest digital IT product shopping site, back in 2001, in the United States in Los Angeles at the beginning of the creation tera power leveling, keeping profit, China electric company from the beginning, a lot of money, serious losses. New layout of the egg for the Chinese market are almost United States2001 in China, Chengdu, Xian, and Shanghai Branch was established, then Jing dong Liu Qiangdong in Zhongguancun, founder of rental counter selling recorders. When the 2004 Liu Qiang East the establishment of Jingdong Mall (micro-blogging) while fully embracing e-commerce, new egg in the United States was US $ 1 billion in sales, new eggs in China by virtue of RMB 60 million annual salesOn top of the domestic market, is Jingdong Mall was 6 times for online sales.  But new egg Chinese really punches from 2007 to 2009 period. New egg fengshengshuiqi to see B2C markets in China at that time; and new egg in United States markets closed a round of "Amazon (micro-blogging) speed" of expansion, when adjusting for its marketing strategy for the new eggIn its new "global strategy" in the Chinese market from the "home front" has become a "main battle".  According to its 2009 to United States Securities and Exchange Commission, according to IPO application materials submitted: 2009, new egg in the United States market sales of about US $ 2.29 billion, net income of $ 24.89 million. From 2010, the new eggChina was rapid enclosure of Beijing Happy Valley East and koubba seized the market, by the end of 2009, Jingdong sales have exceeded 4 billion, the market share has reached 41%. New egg sales in China only to the former one-fourth, new egg development of China will soon be queried by outsiders as "tread water". "We entered do not profit from a profitable company is the originalDue to the.  "New egg of China Marketing Director Meng Fanbo said.  Fought even though NEWEGG China remains 3C the second position last year, but its frequent changes in the senior and the largest in recent years in sharp contrast to the formation of rival Jingdong Mall growing amid questions and speculation has been constant. Easy view according to the think tank, as of June 2011, newEgg on B2C China China online shopping market share accounted for only about $ 2%, Jingdong Mall to 18.1% away the second, new egg China 2010 year of 1.3 billion yuan revenues far behind Jingdong Mall 10.2 billion yuan. "Why don't you statistics about who lose the most, who earned the most money, we only look at the market share, but no one went to see losses."Chi Yongxin with respect, currently the company losing money, has done more, lose more, only later to be continued to provide, are at greater risk. Hao Zhong 2005 United States headquarters sent to training only last year were sent back to China, mainly serving the new egg software (China), CTO, his most profound feelings is developing so fast in China, equivalent to two years United States 10Development of.  On the user experience, United States was slowly growing up, including the use of user habits and distribution of goods used, United States are only now starting to emerge "served" this more rapid way of user experiences, and build on the premise of pay between $ 10 and $ 20. China's e-commerce, 2009 there have been served on the same day, oneJapan sent two things.  Hao Zhong, United States new eggs are provided throughout the United States within three days of delivery, in the United States is the best service, and United States new egg to this standard is a proud, but Hao Zhong to return home, users served within three days will be cursed to die, or even loss of a majority of users. Too rapid development in China, but also makes new egg not to. In accordance with the policy at Headquarters,3C products, business, but currently has capacity of no less than more room for discussion.  While new egg Mall operating department store products, including infant, auto parts, but its not big, Chi Yong said, new egg is still solid basic foundations of digital products, lay a good foundation. Chi Yong and even too much to comply with the will of the group, and shareholdersInterests, it also makes new egg become China's alternative power enterprises in China.  When the Chinese city in Happy Valley when the enclosure, new egg has been emphasis on basic skills, including brand management, grounds for user choice and trust, on the product selection, prices, services that adhere to internal strength is important, but compared with competitors, new egg is very conservative. Experience a new eggChina management headquarters on new egg too tight or too loose, Chi Yongxin admits previous pipe is too tight, there are a lot of things are to be reported to United States, efficiency is low; and pipe it is too loose, basically completely, no matter. New egg before China's business, financial, strategic direction by United States new egg in charge, United States senior rarely visit new egg market in China. New egg Chinese employee said, when you haveUnited States, Chief Executive of new egg Tally Liu of China up to two times a year, quarterly reports are done over the phone.  But the current headquarters of the importance of new eggs are completely different, to China's average monthly headquarters leaders. Chi Yongxin admits that new egg compared to the control group on new egg China has much better before. The current United States headquartersNew egg control of China, primarily through the establishment in China of the Board. And before that, due to the system as a whole could not be established, main founder Zhang Fajun (Fred Chang), personally controlled, including the 2007, 2008, Global CEO be concurrently in charge of China's history for the new egg to a certain extent in China caused a strategic mistake. “From the past to the present, we paid some tuition, learning some lessons from, to really localize in China, a decision made by the Chinese side, in line with some regularity and speed of response of the market here.  "Chi Yongxin said. Localized difficulties for decades in China's tepid embarrassment for new eggs why China? First is the new egg group for new eggs in ChinaGrid control, and most of the major decisions will be based on the United States experience to perform.  Hao Zhong explained that new egg does not select a sophist that radical means to expand market share, is mainly United States new egg has learned. From a technical point of view, China's fastest-growing company is about more than more than 1000 technicians maintain a system, new egg only more than 100 more people in ChinaIn the maintenance of the system. Hao Zhong said it has no connection with user level, because the features and back-end systems are the same before. Why did the same thing, both sides will have such a large gap on the staff? Hao Zhong, United States new egg first experienced this kind of lesson, and after much remodeling and maintenance of, in this case, the staff is equipped with a serious imbalance, but in order to maintain the systemStable, there is no other choice. Early in 2005, United States there was a rapid growth of new eggs, because the site growing too fast, the system does not support, then United States new eggs took almost a year to do a renovation of the entire technology, is now a stable system, and in 2008 began only when the entire United States Newegg.com (Twitter) all systems migrationTo China, the new eggs, China is now in a stable system built slowly forward, to take the above above. At present, new egg policy is still the user experience in the first place, this United States new eggs and no similarities and differences. United States new egg is the long-term cultivation of loyal users, and requires a new egg China must go in this direction, but in the current market environment in China, cultivate loyal users clearlyIt's hard to. Chi Yong said, most Chinese users are now hovering between price and shipping interests, so this also means is a long distance run. "In the United States the user is, if he is the user, even if Amazon prices again much cheaper than new eggs, he will not be shaken, because he used to rely on your information and services. "China is different, a good userIs money to drop it out of inspection, but once the faded Halo capital, problems can occur, including some time ago to cancel all the free shipping, which itself is not conducive to enhancing user satisfaction. "One should let the user habit of consumption is the correct logic. "Chi Yong said in the United States is certainly your freight, and freight in the United States is making money, United States is relying on processes and reducingDwindling low cost freight, slowly let users enjoy more convenient experience, China, on the contrary, is driven by capital speedy user experience high end users feeling much stronger. "The Romans do" new egg is a step China must go through. Chi Yong said, initially, from the United States executives are not suited for new egg sent to China, they are not evenSolutions for the Chinese market, too high moral standards, everything is very standard for the sake of users.  Many standards are strictly in accordance with the United States executed a logic of the market, and is not considered cultivation in China market system as a whole is not fully up and to a certain extent, this has resulted in the development of stagnation. The other hand, the United States egg inherent in a new companyGradually reach a whole new group of eggs. "From the founder to the shareholders, then to company employees, are convinced that a commercial reputation and goodwill is the iron law of. "Hao Zhong said, the whole attitude on these two issues is adhere to the company, he even called this culture 's" soul ". It also makes new egg strategy and other business companies in China seems to be the opposite of play. "In the short termQuickly to market is not our purpose, headquarters of hope into a century-old company, is by no means rapid growth this year, will begin layoffs next year, and reduced market share, or withdrawal from China, this is not what we want. "Chi Yong said the letter, a new egg every decision made by the China exception cautiously, including expansion of the products to the market, before afterVery scientific, strict measure until after a formal, this is also a difference between new eggs and other companies. And now the most important issue is logistics. Relative to the United States more mature logistics system, construction of logistics in China still has a long way to go. "Logistics and freight policy happens to be very important, and it involves the wishes of the guests. "Chi Yongxin believes thatFrom an internal perspective is the cost of the operation, a very economic calculation needs to be done. On the premise of modest considering the freight, users pay concepts have to be set up. China is contrary to current market conditions, will gradually shift from free of charge an unusual path of development. NEWEGG China has always strictly in accordance with the United States of logic, requires a certain amount of charge,Pipe in a period of "free shipping war", a new egg has done a certain amount of compromise.  But charging standard is strictly based on Chi Yong fine control of, at present, the new product of the eggs according to different region freight policy must still be implemented. Chi Yongxin believes that China's market is chaotic, is not a fair competition environment, really needs a startIntroducing so many capital market? New egg tall more consideration is to be truly market up. "The entire strategy, operations, money in different ways, new egg group money can, but in the end is not the model we want. Headquarters includes pool total wants to adopt a more moderate way forward, this is healthy and normal. "And itModes of gradual and orderly progress of mainly based on United States history lessons for the new egg has, it makes new egg executives predicted earlier, more rapid development, behind the more puff. New egg obviously is most proud of technology, "technology that blocks United States Newegg.com can say look is the most powerful in the world. "Hao Zhong did not want to deliberately modest in this matter, his argument is that technologyAreas in the United States ranked among the top 20 companies, developed their own system of only two, an Amazon, is a United States new eggs.  New egg move to China is also the sound system, which in a sense also determines the new egg development in China in the future compared to the other, look out. Future industry this is the outside world has always been known as "conservatism"Of company, in fact has is big of aspiration of, they hope can do full changed China currently" does not normal "of electric commercial pattern, regardless of is crazy of burn money, also is does not normal of price of war, in Chi Yongxin seems all problem will in then of a to two years highlights out," a wheel and a wheel of investor money burn finished, do, market after all is to returned to rational of, currently hasA to high ", Chi Yong think winter now, happens to be the new eggs in China spring. "System sound, profitable, enterprises can't benefit, then, what is the value of the enterprise? "Chi Yongxin that now belongs to the baby also, on line percentage in retail as a whole is still very low, 90% under the above line is the percentage of transactions, whichAlso means that operators in China's long-term development, there is still a long way to go.  Now this is a very tough and demanding market, is the competition between each other by hook or by crook. In fact, the new egg group in China's development is not limited to new egg Mall, also includes a new egg software line and Olympics master logistics and international markets for a long time. Operate independently of the three major sections,Cross-tie, new egg group is playing well at the outset of the abacus. When reporters upon arrival at the Logistics Center is located in Jiading district, Shanghai, China, Haier Group global logistics center director Wang Zhengjun was encountered with his men "visited" o master logistics base, Haier was going to do next online store going to do all packaged to NEWEGG China, which includes full range of integrated services.In addition, the current master freight logistics also take part suppliers, at present includes businesses such as Sinopec and AstraZeneca to undertake, mainly to provide domestic warehousing and logistics services. According to the planning for the new headquarters of the eggs, Olympics will be back master logistics reference new egg business in China as a whole run, new egg software (China) company, will also need advanced technology available to guestsNow new egg software is helping China, Beijing yintai, Emei Shan tourism company website.  New B2C eggs throughout the operations, open platforms, software, services and logistics and storage are done on a full range of open, Chi Yongxin said, this will be for the entire group in the country's largest strategic layout. First independent masters ', consideration of the new headquarters of the egg isPermit rapid development of the logistics industry as a whole, master of logistics as a whole is not only for the new egg Mall services, Chi Yong said the new egg will consider in the future to help domestic manufacturers, China international logistics services. Currently in the United States has launched this new egg network business, its primary purpose is to assist manufacturers in Asia, these goods directly to the United States the mainstream market to sell. China has not yetOfficial opening, after once opened, can help many Chinese businesses to sell goods directly to the United States, but this would involve multinational logistics and payment issues. Hao Zhong, as used in the United States training chief technical architect for 8 years, currently in the United States and he is in the same level of technical staff at Headquarters also has more than 20 employees, also, with more than more than 100 staff in halfYears in the United States receiving technical training, six months service in China. According to the headquarters of the strategic plan, once China's markets stabilized, the technician will first be delivered to China, based on new egg group in the world to cutting-edge technologies, from a technical point of view, "new technology far ahead of the other companies of the egg, it is undeniable that, maybe weNow consider something, others want to not even think about. "  Hao Zhong, is currently in the United States vigorously to do data mining content tera gold, as China has begun. For example tera gold, when a user after entering the e-store, browse through user's goods, things quickly and effectively through a set of data mining favorite goods determines that the user, while not related to those goods are notWill appear on the page.  In fact, such data mining currently in the country mainly through some heavy searching to do. New Egg group layout clearly to the Chinese market is not confined to new egg Mall, they wanted to create a platform is the egg, new software and new egg Mall masters ' logistics into a gateway to the world of path, new egg group in China really punches,Has not really come. Others:

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