Friday, April 6, 2012

tera power leveling 357.20 GF 172 - JFJ

129773868986562500_3E money market Fund annual report 2011 free March 27, 2012, China Securities News view comments fund managers: e Fund management, Fund custodians: Bank of China limited date sent: 20On March 27, 12Issue. Fund custodian under this Fund: Bank of China limited contract, on March 20, 2012 financial index of the review in the present report, net worth, profit distribution, financial accounting reports, portfolio, content, ensure the review content is not present false, misleading statements or records a significant omission. Fund Manager's commitment to honesty, Due diligence principles of responsible management and use of Fund assets, but does not guarantee that the funds profits. Fund performance in the past does not mean its future performance. Investment risk, investors in before making an investment decision should read the prospectuses of the funds and their updates. Body of report summary taken from the annual report of the year, investors for more details, you should read the annual reportThe article. Financial information in this report has been audited. Anyonghuaming certified public accountants for the Fund issue a standard unqualified audit report, please read investors. The reporting period is from January 1, 2011 to December 31.110,006 transaction code 110,006 code open-end funds fund operation of contract the contract effective date of February 2, 2005 e Fund management, Fund of fund managers managed people Bank of China limited Fund share of total 20,326,666,699 at end. 65 fundsContract duration from time to time under the rating Fund of funds referred to as e e currency a currency b subordinate rating Fund transaction code 110,006 the end of subordinate ratings share of funds totalling 10,078,414,829.80 10,248,251,869.85 2.2Product description investment objectives of the Fund on the premise of guaranteeing the safety of principal and a high liquidity, pursuing exceeds the benchmark return. On the premise of maintaining the safety and liquidity of investment strategies maximise portfolio returns. Performance baseline current deposit interest rates after tax (that is, demand deposit interest ratesFunds belonging to high liquidity, low-risk securities investment funds, their expected risks and expected rate of return than stock funds, bond funds and mixed funds. 2.3 custodian of the Fund Manager and fund the project name of the custodian of the Fund of fund managers e Fund management names head of Bank of China limited information disclosureZhang Nan Tang Zhou Hui-Tel 020-38799008 e-mail customer service phone 400-881 8,088 fax 020-38,799,488 2.4 disclosure published body of the annual report of the fund managers stock Internet funds annual report 28/f, 189th sports West Road, Guangzhou CityIndices, fund performance and the net profit distribution 3.1 mainly accounting data and financial indicators of monetary unit: RMB yuan 3.1. phase 1 data and indicators in 2011 2010 2009 e currency a currency b e e b e e currency a currency to currency b a e currencies in this issue is realIncome 191,502,151.85 212,170,906.79 34,413,857.61 32,698,823.24 66,297,721.29 50,695,407.11 191,502,151 profit for the current period. 85 212,170,906.79 yields NET 34,413,857.61 32,698,823.24 66,297,721.29 50,695,407.11 3.9230%4.1708%1.6974%1.9418%1.8550%2.0997%3.1.2 late late late late 2011 and 2009 data and indicators of monetary currency b a e a e e currencies currency currency a e b e currency 10,078,414,829 b final net asset value of the Fund. 80 10,248,251,869.85 1,424,608,563.99 2,264,556,969.23 2,666,338,899.65 2,446,512,512.97 final net value of the Fund share 1 1 1 1 1 1 Note: 1. Fund performance indicators above fees do not include holders of the trading fund, after taking into account the costs real income levels to below the figures. 2. According to the announcement of the implementation Fund of money market fund share rating, the Fund was implemented on July 18, 2006 grade, grade level Fund established this fund shares: class a Fund share and b-share Fund, B-class of fund shares after the upgrade on July 19, 2006 enjoy b-income of the Fund. 3. this period earnings fund interest income, other income, investment income for the current period (excluding changes in fair value gains) the balance after deduction of related costs, profit for the current period to the current period earnings plus the fair value gains for the current period, due to money market fundsAmortized cost method of accounting, so that fair value gains is zero, earnings for the current period and the period equal to the amount of profits. 4. distribution of profits of the Fund is the monthly closing share. 3.2, 3.2.1 net fund performance and its performance during the same period the share of net income of the Fund rate comparison benchmark yields 1. E currency net share a stageYields NET yields standard deviation �� �� share performance baselines performance baseline yields standard deviation yields �� �� ��-�� ��-2.1502%0 �� 1.3037%0.0031%0.1260%0.0000%1.1777%0.0031% over the past three months to six months.0038%0.2521%0.0000%1.8981%0.0038% 3.9230%0.0046%0.4697%0.0001%3.4533%0.0045% in the past year over the past three years 7.6473%0.0074%1.1897%0.0002%6.4576%0.0072% 14.8297%0.0071%7.7472%0.0041%7.0825%0.0030% funds from the past five years since the entry into force of the contract 19.4100%0.0063%11.2693%0.0035%8.1407%0.0028%2. E net currency b share stage yields NET yields standard deviation �� �� share performance baselines performance baseline yields standard deviation yields �� �� ��-�� ��-extension over the past three months 1.3638%0.0031%0.1260%0.002.2728%0.0038%0.2521%0.0000%2.0207%0.0038% 00%1.2378%0.0031% the last six months this past year 4.1708%0.0046%0.4697%0.0001%3.7011%0.16.2112%0.0071%7.7472%0.0041%8.4640%0.0030% 8.4231%0.0074%1.1897%0.0002%7.2334%0.0072% 45% over the past three years in the past five years since the fund sharesClass has 17.2927%0.0068%8.6457%0.0039%8.6470%0.0029%3.2.2 since the Fund yield on the net value of the Fund share of cumulative changes since the entry into force of the contract and its performance during the same period the baseline comparison of yield changes in share of cumulative net income of the Fund in money market ratesHistorical trend compared to baseline yields and performance (February 2, 2005 to December 31, 2011) 1, easy money a (February 2, 2005) 2, e da money-b (July 19, 2006 to December 31, 2011) Note: 1. The Fund contractInvestments of the Fund Convention: (1) invest in the same proportion of companies issuing short-term corporate bonds shall not exceed the net asset value of the Fund's 10%, and (2) deposit to qualify a fund managed by the same commercial bank deposits shall not exceed the net asset value of the Fund's 30% stored does not qualify a fund managed by the same commercial bank deposits shall not exceed the baseGold net asset 5%, (3) the national inter-bank bond market bond repurchase the fund balances shall not exceed 20% of the net asset value of the Fund. (4) the Fund and other funds managed by fund managers hold securities issued by a company, does not exceed 10% of the securities, (5) the average remaining term of the investment portfolio of the Fund shall not exceed 180 days, and (6) other limitations of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the people's Bank of China. Due to factors such as the size or market change investment portfolio of the Fund beyond the provisions of the above conventions, fund managers should be carried out within a reasonable period of adjustment, to comply with the restrictions. 2. A-grade contract from the Fund to the Fund's share of net income of the Fund at the end of the report rate of 19.4 per cent100%, comparative benchmark results for the same period yield of 11.2693%;B-level funds from Fund's grading to the end of the net value of the Fund share yield of 17.2927%, comparative benchmark results for the same period yield of 8.6457%. 3. On December 25, 2008, the Fund management limited changes easy money market-basedNotice of gold performance baseline, with effect from January 1, 2009, this Fund was agreed upon performance baselinesRateThree-year distribution of the profits of the Fund 1, e up to a unit of currency: Renminbi Yuan annual transfer received as a reinvestment amount directly through the redemption payable out of the Fund to cope with changes in profits this year, the annual distribution of profits as a whole note 2011 141,933,581.91 33,813,667.73 15,754,902.21 31,101 tera power leveling,949.89 3,886,591.79-574,684.07 34,413,857.61-2009 years 62,747,931.26 191,502,151.85-2010 years 9,480,167.55-5,930,377.52 66,297,721.29-together 235,783,463.06 47,180,427.07 9,249,840.62 292,213,730.75-2, e da money-b unit: RMB yuan annual investment formTransfer paid directly through the redemption of payable out of the Fund amounts to cope with changes in profits this year, the annual distribution of profits as a whole note 2011 148,161,818.53 46,223,777.43 17,785,310.83 212,170,906.79-2010 year 26,557318.2 total 53,574,271.24 6,640,927.63-9,519,791.76 50,695,407.11-5,952,463.69 189,041.35 32,698,823.24-2009 year, 2283,407.97 58,817,168.75 8,454,560.42 295,565,137.14-], 4th text approved, e Fund management company limited was established on April 17, 2001, the registered capital of 120 million Yuan. As at December 31, 2011, shareholder of Guangdong financial trust company, guangfa securities company limited, ifirst investment holding Group Co Ltd, Guangdong Guangsheng asset management limited and Guangzhou City kwong wing of State-owned assetsManagement Co., Ltd. Company's existing national social security fund investment management, corporate annuity investment manager, QDII business qualifications and specific asset management. Since its inception, e Fund management company receivesOperations and teams to achieve sustained robust growthSecurities investment funds, easy to reach strategic growth investment fund,, e a positive growth of up to 50 index securities investment fund securities investment funds, e da money-market funds, e of steady income securities investment fund, the e-100 transactions open index fund, up to the value selected equity-type securities investment funds, easy strategies to grow the second, Mixed type securities investment fund, and easy party up value growth mixed type securities investment fund, and easy party up branch news stock type securities investment fund, and easy party up enhanced return bond type securities investment fund, and easy party up small disc stock type securities investment fund, and easy party up branch meeting flexible configuration mixed type securities investment fund, and easy party up branch Cheung stock type securities investment fund, and easy party up industry leading enterprise unitVoting securities investment funds, CSI 300 index securities investment fund, e-100 transactions open index securities investment funds join Fund, selection of e Asia equity securities investments funds, e da Shanghai China offers trade exchange-index securities investment fund, with the Shanghai composite-China offers trade funds, open-ended index securities investment fund joins eConsumer industries stock securities investment funds, e da age Tim Lee bond investment fund, e-Healthcare stock securities investment funds, e da gold theme Securities Investment Fund (LOF), e return debt type securities investment fund, peace of mind easy resources sector equity securities investment fund, e-gem trade open index securitiesInvestment Fund, e-gem trading funds, open-ended index securities investment fund joins e-double bonds strengthen bonds investment funds. Meanwhile, the company also manages various national social security fund, corporate pension funds and specific customer's asset management portfolio. 4.1.2 fund managers (group or Fund Manager) and Assistant Fund Manager profile name positionRen Ben Fund of funds Manager (Assistant) period of age serving instructions date date of departure of the securities industry maxideben Fund of funds managers, e-steady income, fixed income fund manager of the Fund Manager, Assistant 2008-07-three years doctoral, former industrial and commercial bank of China Head Office money trading currency tradingFixed income investment manager, financial markets, senior investment manager, e Fund management fixed income investment manager. Notes: 1.Securities practitioners qualification management regulation. 4.2 management compliance on the operation of this Fund during the reporting period and trustworthy description of the reporting period, the Fund management to strictly comply with the securities investment fund law and other relevant laws and regulations and Fund contracts and placement prospectuses and other relevant provisions of the legal documents of the Fund, to win the trust of the market, win the trust of the community investmentFor the purposes of the public, in line with the principles of good faith and diligent conscientious management and use of Fund assets, on the premise of risk control, for the best interests of the Fund share holders to seek. During the reporting period, have occurred due to changes in net asset value of the Fund had a bond repo fund balance of more than 20% of the net asset value of the Fund, has been adjusted in a timely manner. 4.3 management of report periodFair trade special explain 4.3.1 within the Fund Manager is mainly on the implementation of the fair trade system through the establishment of discipline, to invest in research on the standardization of processes and decision-making processes, transactions and intensified ex post facto analysis, evaluating and supervising mechanism to ensure fair treatment of different portfolios, effectively preventing interest conveyed. This imposes strict investment fund management rights managementSystem, investment alternatives library management system and centralized trading system and emphasis on trade execution aspect of fair trade measures in order toAccording to fair trade principles of perfecting the relevant allocation mechanism. Throughout this period, overall implementation of the fair trade system is good. 4.3.2 the style similar to other investment portfolios and portfolio performance comparison between free. 4.3.3 special description of unusual transactions Act during the period of this report did not find this Fund can lead to unfair trade and transport of interest varyOften traded. 4.4 managers on the investment strategy and performance of the Fund during the reporting period 4.4.1 reporting by following the analysis of the Fund investment strategy and operations for the period 2011 China's economic growth rate down, gross domestic product growth for the year of 9.2%, above-scale industrial added value up 13.9%, fixed-asset investment rose 23.8%, Exports grew by 20.3%, imports grew by 24.9%, total retail sales of social consumer goods grew by 17.1%. In 2011 the marked slowdown in economic growth, export data in particular received the external economic impact of declining significantly. Incremental reduction in the year 2011 loans, loans for the year increased $ 7.5 trillion. 2011The end of broad money (M2) the balance of $ 85.2 trillion, an increase of 13.6%, an increase of the previous year to reduce 6.1%; narrow money (M1) balance is 29 trillion yuan, an increase of 7.9%, an increase of reduced 13.3% over the previous year. Under the austerity policy, inflation eased the situation. As of December, the CPI for twoMonths from the negative. 2011 annual consumer price (CPI) rose by 5.4%, the ex-factory price of industrial products (PPI) rose by 5.5%. 2011 bond market with one climax following another. Central Bank in 6 times in a row in the first half to increase reserves, under the influence of this in the first three quarters rising bond yields, particularly in 7, cityFunding continued tension for a long time, make the shape of the yield curve inverted lasted two months. But with the decline of inflation and economic growth declines, and finally appeared in the market in the fourth quarter a turn, yields down. Especially in December after the Central Bank reduced reserve requirements, medium-and long-term bond yields fell back to under the historical mean. Relative interest rates, credit productsPerformance in this year's Division. In 2011, the general concerns of the investment and credit risks of debt market, throughout the city investment and liquidity of debt that has not been a significant recovery. Recognition of the market for credit risks, as well as economic pessimism makes credit spreads hit a record high in the third quarter. Last quarter the markets, but performances of the Ming dynastyExplicit differentiation, high ratings of AA above varieties, rapidly improved liquidity, credit spreads from highs; AA low-grade variety of liquidity continues to lack of credit spreads remained at historically high levels. This Fund during the reporting period to maintain moderate combined average remaining period to improve portfolio liquidity as the main objective, balanced investment in short-term deposits, reverse repurchase, Central,Financial debt and short-term financing bills. SFC in the October 25 release of an early deposit limits, depending on market conditions, this configuration of the funds in the fourth quarter increased the deposit ratio, strives to maintain a high degree of liquidity at the same time to the satisfaction of the investors return on investment. 4.4.2 performance class a Fund of funds during the reporting period the share of the reporting periodThe net yield of 3.923%, baseline yield of 0.4697%;B level in the same period net value of the Fund's share of the reporting period yield of 4.1708%, 0.4697% baseline yields for the same period. Fund's performance benchmark for demand deposit after-tax interest rate. 4.5 management on macro-economy, stock market and industry trends summaryLooking to the future, China's economic growth in the new year facing a great challenge, macro-policies continued to choices between maintaining sustained and steady economic growth and inflation under control. Current external economic weakening of market expectations of economic growth next year is more pessimistic, so for easing expected strong. For the bond market, due to the current market valueExpected the Central Bank would soon lower reserve again, medium-and long-term bonds trends have reflected this in advance of the expected, so the market trends of the future will depend on the trend of inflation and changes in the macro-economic data. During this period, movements of capital changes for short-term bonds will also play an important influence. We judge the past year was extremely tight funding in the newA year have eased, but due to the current statutory reserve requirements remains at high levels, various factors impact still will make dramatic swings in short-term capital. The Fund will adhere to the orientation of money market fund liquidity management tool, continues to maintain a portfolio of high liquidity. Fund investment class is configured to withdraw without loss of interest of the depositMainly, due to increase of high credit rating of short-term financing bonds configuration, pursuit relatively stable investment income. Always use the assets of the Fund of fund managers and fund earnings above the importance of stability in the pursuit of high profits, adhere to the standard operation, prudent investments, industry responsible for the holder of the Fund seeks long term, stable returns. 4.6 management reporting periodDescription of the Fund's valuation procedures in matters such as the Fund Manager in accordance with the relevant provisions of the accounting standard for business enterprises, the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the agreed terms of the contract on the valuation of the Fund, value of investments held by the Fund. Custodian of the Fund according to the laws and regulations to perform reviews of valuations and calculation of net liability. The Fund Manager has a valuation Committee, Chief Operating Officer of the company as aChairman, Research Department, Ministry of investment risk management, supervision and accounting department designated staff members. Valuation Committee is responsible for organizing the development and timely revision of Fund valuation policies and procedures to guide and oversee the entire valuation process. Securities, Fund valuation Committee members have many years of experience, familiar with the relevant laws and regulations, industry research, risk management, legal complianceOr valuation of the Fund operation and other aspects of professional competence. Fund managers can participate in discussion of the valuation principles and methods, but does not participate in the valuation principles and methods of implementation of the final decision and daily valuation. Throughout this period, between all parties involved in the valuation process without any significant conflict of interest. The registration of fund managers and central government debt settlement company signed a service agreement,As agreed by him provides variety of transactions in the interbank market bond valuation data. 4.7 management reporting period within the description of the distribution of profits in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the Fund and the money market funds of the Fund contract, the Fund of funds at all levels on a daily basis the share achieved net income of the Fund allocated to the Fund share holders in full.5.1 people report the compliance fund managed during the reporting period and faithful statement of this reporting period, Bank of China Limited (hereinafterCustoms laws and regulations, the Fund contract and the relevant provisions of the Trusteeship agreements, there is no prejudice to the interests of the holders of shares of the Fund, to fulfil obligations was fully responsible. 5.2 Trustees of the investment operations of the Fund during the reporting period compliance credit, net worth calculation and allocation of profits during the period of the present report, the trustee under the securities investment fund law and otherRelevant laws and regulations, the Fund contract and the provisions of the Trusteeship agreements, on the operation of the Fund Manager's investment was necessary supervision, on the calculation of the net asset value of the Fund, the Fund's calculation of the share purchase, redemption price, as well as fund fees and expenses, and other aspects of a serious review. On December 30, 2011, bond repo fund balance of the Fund exceeds the funds net assetsValue of 20%, the custodian to the tip, the fund managers have been adjusted. 5.3 in the annual report of the trustee on the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of financial information, and other content published in this report financial performance indicators, return on net worth, income distribution, financial accounting report (Note: in the financial accounting reportsRisk and management, And issue a standard unqualified audit report. Investors can view the body through the annual report audit report.On February 31, December 31, 2010 assets at the end of the year: Gold 545,454.55 4,802,727.27 18,055,230,665.47 960,939,690.97 settlement in bank deposits to pay deposits paid-4,628-traded financial assets,557,258.49 1,641,339,551.96: equity investment-fund investment-bonds 4,628,557,258.49 1,641,339,551.96 investments-asset-backed securities derivative financial assets--to buy returned to sell financial assets-1,075,602,493.40 securities settlement accounts--interest receivable 139,234,498.18 receivable 24,598,083.74 dividends receivable �C 1,620,149,287.22 3,916,650.68 deferred income tax asset purchase receivable--Other assets--assets total 24,443,717,163.91-3,711,199,198.02 end of the liabilities and owners ' equity on December 31, 2010 in debt at the end of the year on December 31, 2011:-of-trading financial liabilities-short-term borrowing-Derivative financial liabilities-sell-buy-back financial 4,065,612,056.55-securities clearing payable--call payable 2,389,844.53 14,600,030.85 meet the Manager paid 5,024,972.09 1,036,882.71Pay hosting fee 1,522,718.87 1,720,260 314,206.91 deal with sales and service fees. 192,623 39 356,442.63 to deal with transactions costs. 61 58,739.76 should pay the tax 315,450.00 315,450.00 interest payable1,968,212.29-meet profit 37,259,352.10-3,719,139.06 deferred tax liabilities-other liabilities 1,044,973.83 1,632,772.88 Total liabilities 4,117,050,464.26,664.8 shareholders ' equity: paid-up funds unallocated profits, shareholders ' equity 20,326,666,699.65 3,689,165,533.22 total 20,326 tera gold,666,699.65 3,689,165,533.22 total liabilities and owners ' equity 24, 443,717,163.91 3,711,199,198.02 Note: the reporting deadline of December 31, 2011, grade a net value of the Fund share $ 1, b-net value of the Fund share $ 1; total Fund share 20,326,666,699.65, under a two-tier FundTotal share is as follows: class a fund 10,078,414,829.80, b-grade Fund 10,248,251,869.85. 7.2 income statement accounting subject: e money market fund reporting period: January 1, 2011: RMB yuan projectJanuary 1, 2011 during annual than on January 1, 2010, revenue 498,880,108.55 96,903,924.82 1. interest income 482,639,947.52 87,835,110.51: deposit interest income 231,350,981.81 30,626,479.14 bond interest income 148,297,039.17 36,734,997.04 asset-backed securities �C buying interest income back to income from sale of financial assets of 102,991,926.54And other interest income--2 473,634.33. investment income (losses to03 9,068,814.31 asset backed securities investment income-income-dividend-income-derivatives--3. fair value gains (losses to. Other income (losses to8 4,009,191.26 3. Sales services 12,892,591.09 5,600,389.37 4. Transaction costs--5. Interest expense 38,512,756.16 6,365,301.02: sell buy-spending 38,512,756 of financial assets.16 6,365,301.02 6. Other expenses 664,854.56.543, total profit (losses toRun (a net lossProject on January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011, received funds for the current period unappropriated profits total owners ' equity, beginning of owners ' equity (funds), 3,689,165,533.22-3,689,165,533.22 the second, and the number of funds from operating activities during the period net change (Profit for the current period) -403,673,058.64 403,673,058.643, the funds have a number of changes in the net value of the Fund share transactions in the period (NET reduces toOf which: 1. purchase 112,538,159,514.56-112,538,159,514.56 2. Fund for redemption of -95,900,658,348.13--95,900,658,348.13 four, this time to the holders of shares of the Fund allocation of profits FundChanges in net worth (NET reduces toJanuary 1, 2010 received funds during the year than total undistributed profit owners ' equity, beginning of owners ' equity (funds), 5,112,851,412.62-5,112,851,412.62 the second, and the number of funds from operating activities during the period net change (Profits) -67,112,680.85 67,112,680.853, the funds have a number of changes in the net value of the Fund share transactions in the period (NET reduces to1. the Fund to purchase 27,131,790,960.91-27,131,790,960.91 2. Fund for redemption of -28,555,476,840.31--28,555,476,840.31 four, this time to the net value of the Fund share holders, distribution of profits fund movements (NET reduces toPoints 7.1 to 7.4 of the present report, financial report, signed by the heads of the following; head of fund management company: Ye Junying, Chief Accountant in charge: Zhang Youzao, head of accounting bodies: Chen 7.4 report notes 7.4.1 fund basic easy currency market Fund (hereinafter referred toRegulatory Committee (hereinafter referred toAccording to fund the Department of letters [e, of 2005]26, money market fund record on a letter, the Fund contract to come into effect on February 2, 2005. The Fund for the compact-open, acquired time indefinite, Fund Manager man e Fund management company, Fund registration bodies to e Fund management limited, trustee of the Fund for China silverCompany Limited (hereinafter referred toUpgraded to b class a Fund share class of fund shares; if b-share in a single fund accounts reserved for holders of the Fund when fund shares below 10 million, registration bodies of the Fund are automatically held in the accounts of the Fund b class fund shares downgraded to class a shares of the Fund. Two-stage Fund of fund shares divided into different code, charge different fees and sales servicesPublished 7th day income of the Fund and the Fund yields. 7.4.2 accounting basis for the preparation of the financial statements in accordance with accounting standard for business enterprises and application guide issued in 2006 by the Ministry, the Securities Association of China securities investment fund accounting business guidelines, developed by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on the securities of the investment fund business valuations and share of netValue pricing notification on the relevant issues, the information disclosure of securities investment fund management rules, the securities investment fund information disclosure rules of preparation of compilation of the notes to the financial statements and disclosures, 3rd editing, the securities investment fund information disclosure rules, 5th the money market fund information disclosure regulations, issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission on February 8, 2010 the securities investmentXBRL template of 3rd capital fund information disclosure and other relevant provisions issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the preparation. 7.4.3 followed the statement of accounting standards for business enterprises and other relevant provisions of the 2011 annual financial report of the Fund meets the requirements of the accounting standard for business enterprises, real, fully reflects the Fund's financial position as at December 31, 2011 2011 operating result and net worth changes over time in the year. 7.4.4 the reporting period the adoption of accounting policies and accounting estimates are consistent with the most recent annual report of the present reporting period the adoption of accounting policies and accounting estimates are consistent with the most recent annual report. 7.4.5. Description of error correcting accounting error-free for the reporting period of the Fund. 7.4.6 tax7.4.6.1 business tax, corporate income tax under the Ministry of finance and the State administration of taxation taxation word [2004]78, the tax policy of the Securities Investment Fund, with effect from January 1, 2004, for Securities Investment Fund (closed-end investment fund, open-end securities investment fund) managers trade stocks using funds, bond spreadsRevenue continued exemption of business tax and corporation income tax; under the Ministry of finance and the State administration of taxation, fiscal [2008]1, the provisions in the notice on some preferential policies on enterprise income tax, the income from the securities market of securities investment funds, including post income buy and sell stocks, bonds, stock dividend, dividend income, bond interest income and other income, Not to impose the corporate income tax; personal income taxes under the Ministry of finance and the State administration of taxation taxation word [2002]128, the circular on tax issues related to open securities investment funds, Fund of stock dividends, bond interest income, dividend income, and interest on savings income, by the listed company, bond issuers andFinancial institutions to fund dividend, dividend income, bond interest income derived from interest income and savings deductions pay 20% in the era of personal income tax; under the Ministry of finance and the State administration of taxation, fiscal [2008]132 the Ministry of State administration of taxation on savings, interest income on personal income tax policy notice, beginning on October 9, 2008-temporaryCollection of savings deposit interest income personal income tax. 7.4.7 associated names associated with the Fund of fund management limited, registration bodies of fund managers, Fund sales institutions: Bank of China Limited (hereinafterGuangfa securities company limited (hereinafterShareholders fund management limited company Guangzhou wing of State-owned assets operation company's shareholders Fund Management Note: April 9, 2011, the Fund Management Limited on notice of the shareholders of the company changed its name, fund managers and shareholders of Guangdong ifirst investment holdings Limited has changed its name toOT;, fund managers have completed the shareholders changed its name change in the industrial and commercial registration. In the following related party transactions were in the ordinary course of business as a general commercial terms. 7.4.8 this report period and the comparable period of the previous year related party transactions of by related party transactions for trading trading of shares of the Fund reportsPeriod and the comparable period of the previous year did not occur by related party transactions unit of stock trading. trading of warrants in the Fund of the reporting period and the comparable period of the previous year did not occur through warrants trading related party transaction unit. related-party commissions to be paid the Fund of the reporting period and the comparable period of the previous year no payments associatedCommissions of the party. associated compensation fund management fee units: RMB yuan project period is from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 during annual than on January 1, 2010 until December 31, 2010 when the period of the Fund management fee to be paid, 335,023.02 13,230,330.78: pay the sales agency customer care 6,670,060.92 1,932,388.40 Note: the Fund's net asset value of the Fund management fee on the day before the annual rates of 0.33%. Calculated as follows: the day before the Fund management fee to be paid on a daily basis =Fund net asset value1st last year than during the period of January 1, 2010 when funds should pay for managed 10,031,825.08 4,009,191.26 Note: the funds net asset value of the Fund managed by the day before the annual rates of 0.1%. CalculationMethod is as follows: the day before the custody fee to be paid on a daily basis = net asset value of FundCurrency for sales service charge the associated names of this period is January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011, when the period of sales service fee of the Fund should be paid a e e currencies currency b equals e Fund management company 1,895,653.14 293,679.35 2 tera power leveling,189,332.49 Bank 1,797,609.61 37,747.59 1,835,357.20 GF 172,113.51 5,627.05 177,740.56 together 3,865,376.26 337,053.99 4,202,430.25 sales service charge the associated names of comparable period in the previous year the Fund should be paid from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010 when marketing services e e currency a currency b equals e Fund management limited 1,746,959.85 121,922.36 1,868,882.21 Bank 906,647.34 6,976.44 913,623.78 GF 66,110.60 4,393.80 70,504.40 together 2,719,717.79 133,292.60 2,853,010.39Note: this Fund, a Fund of fund shares sales service fee according to the day before the 0.25% of the net asset value of the Fund's annual rates; Fund b class Fund share sales service fee according to the day before the 0.01% of the net asset value of the Fund's annual rates. Share of funds at all levels of sales service account is calculated as follows: daily funds at all levels of sales to be paid before the service fee =A day at this level of net asset value of fund sharesSide bonds of the interbank market (buy) trading unit: RMB yuan of this period is January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 Bank of market transactions between related parties reverse repurchase Fund to buy back the name bond transaction value Fund Fund funds to buy sell trade amount amount interest expense interest income in ChinaBank 430,765,034.65 823,903,576.78--10,701,493,000.00 2,406,176.93 during annual than on January 1, 2010 the bank bond market transactions between the related parties name amountFund to fund reverse repurchase repurchase Fund buy-sell transaction amount of interest income of the Fund transactions associated interest payments on Bank of China 161,551,349.32 99,925,564.38--3,386,880,000.00 239,094.31 castCapital Fund of use of natural capital investment fund management during the reporting period the Fund's situation during the reporting period and the comparable period of the previous year was not use of the natural capital investment fund of fund managers. the end apart from related parties other than fund managers invest in the Fund currency of e a no. EasyFangda currency b share: related party name to currency b the closing on December 31, 2011 currency b on December 31, 2010, at the end of the year holds a share of the funds held by the Fund share a percentage share of the Fund's total holdings of fund shares held by the Fund share a percentage share of the Fund's total men guangfa securities100,000,000.00 0.98%-- by related parties kept the bank balance and interest income for the current period unit: RMB yuan on the associated names of this period is January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 during the year from January 1, 2010 1February 31 closing balance at end period interest income when interest income from Bank of China 1,315,230,665.47 10,738,294.34 10,939,690.97 2,551,083.27 during the period of the Fund to underwrite the associated party underwriting of securitiesMonetary unit: RMB yuan of this period is January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 associate party name code name release funds in securities underwriting of securities during buy quantity (unit: unit/piece) the total amount of investment in the Bank of China 1,181,178 CP01 distribution 1,200,000 120,000,000.00 Bank of China three 11 aluminum CP02 distribution 1,181,220 320,000,000.00 during annual than on January 1, 2010 name related party securities code name release funds in securities underwritingBuy in quantity (unit: unit/piece) total amount of 800,000 80,040,000.00 10 1,081,283 Bank of China heavy duty truck CP02-pin other related trade shows no. 7.4. end of period (December 31, 2011) the Fund holds a restricted circulation permitsCoupon the issue made by the subscription of new securities, and at the end of circulation of restricted securities held by the Fund without from/on the issue made by the subscription of new securities, held at the end of restricted securities in circulation. the end of temporary suspension of restricted stock in circulation, such as the circulation of funds without a temporary suspension at the end of the present report, such as restricted stock. end of debtCoupons are in repo trading as Bank mortgage bond market bond repo as of end December 31, 2011, the Fund engaged in formation of interbank market bond repurchase transactions repurchase securities balances sold 4,065,612,056. $ 55, is based on the following bonds as collateral: the amount of units: oneCurrency code name bond repurchase of bonds maturity number final valuation price (bed) 041154013 the total closing valuation 11 North Sea wing CP004 2012-01-04 200,000 20,001,704.36 11 CP0032012-01-04 100,000 10,050,850.54 11 bright CP002 2012-01-04 800,000 80,152,748.79 11 ye CP0032012-01-04 500,000 50,518,212.05 07 19 Shanghai CP01 2012 1,700,000 172,447,412.73 11-North 01-04 64,351,237.60 1,181,071 medicine CP01 2012-01-04 700,000 70,362,913.64 11 2012-01-04 Huadian CP01100.4 76,305,819.61 760,000 11-CP01 CP01 2012-01-04 200,000 20,038,012.87 1100 set 2012-01-04.36 deep gas CP01 1,800,000 180,656,720.31 1,181,144 25,082,234.06 on 2012-01-04 1,181,152 Beijing cast CP01 2012-01-0460,000 6,023,445.01 11 Su in Beijing-Shanghai CP01 2012-01-04 500,000 50,166,904.31 11 unit CP01 2012-01-04 400,000 40,081,231.12 1,181,335 in Tianjin CP01 2012-01-04 500,000 50,365,538.79 11 ye CP01 730,000 2012-01-04 73, 583,155.94 1,181,372 set CP03 CP03 aluminum industry in 2012-01-04 300,000 30,175,715.80 11 2012-01-04 470,000, 475.63 11 min energy cloud copper CP001 CP001 2012-01-05 600,000 60,642,303.69 11 2012-01-05 450,000 45,530,179.28 1,181,048 wide-CP01 2012-01-05 700,000 70,347,201.90 11 2012-01-05 Huadian CP01 100.4 240,000.61 11 in Chengdu-Chongqing CP01 2012-01-05 900,000 90,350,686.91 11 South CP01 800,000 2012-01-05 80,320,804.27 1181,144 deep gas North CP01 CP01 2012-01-05 32,000 3,210,525.96 11 2012-01-05 150,612,229.90 1,500,00052 vote 11 Beijing railway CP01 CP01 2012-01-05 260,000 26,101,595.03 11 2012-01-05 100,279,401.95 1,000,00011 wide wide controlled CP01 2012-01-05 1,500,000 150,503,862.35 11 CP02 2012-01-05 50,118,109.73 500,000 11Electric power Research Institute CP01 2012-01-05 400,000 40,087,171.59 11 in luanchuan molybdenum CP01 2012-01-05 1,500,000 150,135,493.11 11 huayiCP01 Zhejiang iron cast CP01 2012-01-05 60,000 6,007,464.94 11 2012-01-05 300,000 30,048,127.90 11 CSR CP01 2012-01-05 150,637,514.33 100.43 11 railway CP03 CP01-smelting in 2012-01-05 1,500,000 150,760,809.30 11 2012-01-05 27,215,687.82 100.8 11 WISCO CP02 2012-01-05 800,000 80,617,582.87 11 heavy truck apt-CP01-05 80,531,266.63 1,181,065 WISCO CP01 2012-01-09 1,300,000 130,747,566.41 11 2012-01-09 huayi CP01Open 19 100.12 28,034,836.37 280,000 3,300,000 334,007,465.54 07 19 5,200,000 small CP01 527,486,203.63 1,181,084 zhe 2012-01-11 500,000 50,246,402.58 11 chemical CP01 2012-01-11 200, 000 20,084,193.41 1,181,219 Al-CP01 2012-01-11 200,000 20,048,993.02 11 Su-CP02 2012-01-11 from Beijing to Shanghai 440,00044,145,934.18 1,181,318 Gan power-projection CP01 2012-01-11 200,000 20,063,328.26 11 aluminum CP03 2012-01-11 30,000 3,016, 243.13 11 CP01 2012-01-12 60,000 6,032,928.53 11 Beijing Shanghai Hong Kong vote of 80,000 CP01 2012-01-12 8,031,260.01 1181,165 country set CP01 2012-01-12 500,000 50,210,269.45 11-CP01 1,000,000 2012-01-12 100,229,108.78 1181263 11 deep energy 1,181,281 huayi CP01 CP01 20,017,491.21 on 2012-01-12 96,119,438.98 on 2012-01-12 1,181,28711 cast CP02 2012-01-12 400,000 40,133,893.15 11 in North Zhejiang materials industry CP01 2012-01-12 600,000 60,160,395.09 11CP02 20,024,237.92 on 2012-01-12 1,181,306 Su Jing-Hu CP02 total 6,019,900.12 on 2012-01-12--41,932,0004,220,633,017.00 Exchange market bond repo as of end December 31, 2011, the Fund engaged in stock exchange bond is sold to buy back securities for repo transactions form the balance is 0, unsecured bond. 7.4.10 description helps to understand and analyze the accounting report of theHe is no..49--2 to buy asset-backed securities back to sell financial assets--including: return to sale financial asset buy-buy-buy--3 and clearing excess reserves total bank deposits 18,055,776,120.02 4 1,759,383,785 other assets.Total 40 7.2 24,443,717,163.91 100 bond repurchase financing amount unit: RMB yuan ordinal project fund net asset ratio (%) 1 10.02 bond repurchase financing balance during the reporting period: buy repo financing amount-number projectFund net asset ratio (%) 2 end bond repurchase financing balance 4,065,612,056.55: buy repo financing--Note: tables in the reporting period on bonds repurchase financing balance a proportion of the Fund's net asset value for each trading day during the reporting period and financing balance of net asset value of the Fund proportion of JaneAverage. Bond repo fund balance of more than 20% description of the amount of the net asset value of the Fund Unit: RMB yuan ordinal date financing balance a proportion of the Fund's net asset value (%) Cause adjustment 1 large redemptions, scale down cause excessive passive future 3 days2 large redemptions, scale down cause excessive passive future 2 day 3 large redemptions, scale down cause excessive passive future 1 day 4 large redemptions, scale down leadExcessive passive future 4 days 5 huge withdrawal, scale down cause excessive passive future 3 days 6 huge withdrawal, scale down cause excessive passive future 2-business-day 7.94 large redemptions, scale down cause excessive passive future 8 1 working days caused by changes in net asset value of the Fund over the future 9 2 working days caused by changes in net asset value of the Fund over the future 1 day 8.3Fund Portfolio with an average residual term 8.3.1 Basic project portfolio with an average remaining duration of days end portfolio with an average remaining duration of 159 portfolio during the reporting period averaged 166 portfolio during the reporting period the remainder the maximum value minimum value of 23 reports the average remaining period portfolio within the average remaining period of more than 180Description of the money market fund portfolio during the reporting period the average remaining maturity does not exceed 180 days. 8.3.2 the final distribution number average portfolio with an average remaining duration remaining duration duration assets a proportion of the Fund's net asset value (%) The term liabilities a proportion of the Fund's net asset value (%) 1 within 30 days of 7.1120: remaining duration of floating rate debt--2 more than 397 days 30 days (inclusive)-60-day 0.00: remaining duration of floating rate debt--3 more than 397 days 60 days (inclusive)-90 day 33 0.00: remaining duration more than 397 days, floatingInterest rate debt--4 90 days (inclusive)-180-day 0.00: remaining duration of floating rate debt--5 more than 397 days 180 days (inclusive)-397 days (included) 35.01: remaining duration more than 397 days of floating rate debt--total 111.60 20 classified by bond in the late period of the bond portfolio amount unit: Renminbi Yuan ordinal amortized cost of bond variety accounts for fund net asset ratio (%) 1 bond--2 bills 1,033,941,081.90--3 finance bonds 5.09: politicalStrategic financial debt 1,033,941,081.90 5.09 4 corporate--5 corporate short-term financing bonds--7 3,594,616,176.59 17.68 6 medium-term bills other--8 total 4,628,557,258.499 floating rate bonds remaining duration more than 397 days--8.5 final at amortized cost size per cent net asset value of the Fund ranks top ten bond investment details the amount of units: RMB yuan ordinal number notes code name bonds (CDs) amortized cost accounts for fund net assets ratio (%) 1 0719 6,900,000 699,933,616.36 3.44 2 the opening 19 3,300,000 334,007,465.54 1.64 3 apt-CP01 1100 set 180,656,720.31 0.89 4 11 railway CP03 CP01 1,500,000 1,500,000 150,760,809.30 0.74 5 11 South 150,637,514.33 0.74 6 1North CP01 1,500,000 150,612,229.90 0.74 7 1 11 wide control apt-CP01 150,503,862.35 0.74 8 11 in luanchuan molybdenum CP01 1,500,000,135,493.11 0.74 9 11 WISCO CP01 1,300,000 130,747,566.41 0.64 10 11 huayi CP01 130,161,740.28 1,300,000 8.6Quot; shadow pricing2,763% for each trading day during the reporting period to deviate from the absolute value of of simple average 0.0736%8.7 final at the fair value of the net asset value of the fund proportional the size ranking of the top ten investment details of asset-backed securities in the Fund not asset-backed securities in this reporting period. 8.8 portfolio notes to the report said 8.8.1 Fund valuation methodsOut this Fund currently investment tools of valuation method is as follows: (1) Fund holds of bond (including bills) purchase Shi used actual paid price (contains trading costs) determines initial cost, by actual rates calculation its assessment over cost and the all period interest income, daily meter to income; (2) Fund holds of repo to cost column shows, by actual rates in actual holds during within byJapan made interest contract rates and smaller differences in real interest rates, contract rates may also be used to determine the interest income, and (3) bank deposits to principal shows held by the Fund, according to the actual agreements daily provision for interest rates. If there is reliable evidence that value as described above does not objectively reflect the fair value, according to the specific situation of fund managers and fund custodianAgreed upon, at best reflects the fair value method of valuation. If there are new issues, according to the latest requirements of State estimates. 8.8.2 the Fund during the period of the present report there are no remaining duration remaining maturity of less than 397 days but more than 397 days floating rate bonds of amortized cost more than the current day of the Fund's net asset value 20%. 8.8.3 the Fund will invest in top tenIssuers of securities does not appear during investigation by regulators, or within one year before the report was publicly denounced, punished. 8.8.4 end other the composition unit: RMB yuan serial number name 1 deposit paid amount-2 securities settlement accounts receivable-3 interest receivable 139,234,498.18 4 purchase receivable 1,620,149,287.22 5-6 other receivables prepaid expenses-total 7-8 1,759,383,785.For: holders of share level households (household) per household to hold funds share holder structure of institutional investors individual investors share share total share held e per cent share of the total money a 70,984 141,981.50 473,412,900.32 4.70%9,605,001,929.48 95.3%-e currency b 38,239,745.78 7,916,734,644.45 77.25%2,331,517,225.40 268 together 71,252 285,278.54 8,390,147,544.77 41.28%11,936,519,154.88 58.72%9.2 end of fund managers in China's stake in the project share level total number of holding shares of open funds () total Fund share fund management company in China all hold the open-ended FundE currency currency b 0.0177% e a 1,784,611.43 da 0.00 total 1,784,611.435 years on February 2) total amount of shares of the Fund qiqi 3,622,219,215.04-report 1,424,608,563.99 2,264,556,969.23 total shares of the Fund at the beginning of the reporting period total purchase, the share of funds 54,436,602,123.70 58,101,557390.86 reduction: this reporting period total redemption of shares of the Fund 45,782,795,857.89 50,117,862,490.24 Fund for the report period split movements share--the end of the reporting period the Fund share of total 10,078,414,829.80 10,248,251,869.85 Note: total purchase, the share for share level lifting force increases as a result of share, lifting total redemption of shares with share-level force reductions as a result of share.Special Fund custody Department of a major personnel changes by the fourth session of the Board of fund managers in 2011, and the tenth session of the Conference to consider the adoption, and report to the China Securities Regulatory Commission, securities license by the China Securities Regulatory Commission "2011" reply text approved, 1591th, October 9, 2011, Mr Liang Tang no longer Mr TungLong post;, Ye Junying, Chairman-designate, and is no longer the General Manager duties; Ms Liu Xiaoyan as General Manager, and is no longer as Vice General Manager positions. October 11, 2011, the fund managers disclose specified information published in the media of the Fund Management Limited on senior management change notice. On November 3, 2011, this Fund ManagerComplete registration of change of the legal representative of the company, legal representative of the company formally changed to the current Chairman Ye Junying. During the period of this report, according to the Securities and Futures Commission the approval of Bank of China limited reply Aihua Li qualifications of senior managers of the fund industry, Aihua Li served as the trustee of the Fund--General Manager of Bank of China host and Investor Services Department�� Due to mobilization, Mr Dong Jie no longer served as General Manager of Bank of China host and Investor Services Department, Liu Huijun no longer acted as Deputy General Manager of Bank of China host and Investor Services Department. These personnel changes have record keeping, as required by relevant announcements. 11.3 involving property, fund managers, Fund of Fund custody business litigation during the period of this report without involving the Fund ManagerProperty, funds, Fund custody business litigation matters. 11.4 of the Fund's investment strategy change in the investment policy of the Fund during the reporting period no major changes. 11.5 for the audit of the Fund's accounting firm contract has been in force for 7 years from the Fund the Fund hired anyonghuaming certified public accountants providing audit services to report annual auditFee is 130,000.00 Yuan. 11.6 managers, trustees and senior management staff in inspection or punishment during the reporting period the Fund Administrator and custodian managed business is not subject to any inspection and related senior management or penalties. 11.7 rental companies trading in securities of the Fund units on 11.7.1 funds to rentSecurities trading unit to engage in stock investments and the amount of Commission payments unit: RMB yuan name trading unit quantity of securities companies should pay such brokerage commissions on stock transactions notes accounted for turnover of stock turnover ratio for the current period commissions guotai Junan 1--80,000.00 100 per cent of total amount of commissions for the current period.00%-Note: a) this Fund during the reporting period no new and reduced trading unit. B) the Fund Manager is responsible for selecting securities institutions, leasing its trading units as transactions of the Fund Unit. Fund trading unit of selection criteria are as follows: 1) operation and robust specifications, internal control system, have a good reputation in the industry, 2) with baseGold needed for efficient, secure communication, trading facilities to meet the needs of the Fund in securities trading and 3) have a strong all-round ability and level of financial services, including but not limited to: have a good study skills and analytical skills, able to provide the company with high quality timely, comprehensive analysis of macroeconomic, industry and market trends, stock reports and richInformation services according to the specific requirements of the Fund managed by the company, provision of specialized studies, and has the ability to develop quantitative portfolio model able to actively carry out investment business for the company and investment information exchange as well as other aspects of the business of providing good service and support. C) Fund trading unit of selection procedures are as follows: 1) the Fund ManagerAccording to the above-mentioned investigation determined after selection of standard trading unit of securities institutions. 2) Fund managers and selected securities institutions enter into transactions unit rental agreements. 11.7.2 funds hire other securities investment securities company trading unit of monetary unit: RMB yuan bond trading brokerage names bond repo transactions warrants trading transactionsPayment turnover per cent when the total amount of bonds sold in the period when the bonds buy-back contract of the total transaction amount warrant guotai Junan securities, the ratio of the total sold in the period--9,283,600,000.00 100.00%--11.8 deviate from the absolute value of this Fund to a 0.5% over the reporting periodDo not deviate from the absolute value of more than 0.5%. E Fund Management Limited on March 27, 2012 Others:

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