Saturday, April 14, 2012

tera gold to preserve and increase the value - WWD

129779313203593750_8Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund market for micro-blogging news blog live small company stocks the major new share placements by gem new third sector brokers New York themesBulletin deal prompted the financial calendar of earnings release memo block trade in thousands of shares of financial market Center collection of funds flowing to new share purchase financing microblogging daily limit of the unit gather Forum pioneer financial management training stock 2012 Boao Forum > body print RSSFont size-April 03, 2012 from: business author: Guo Liqin loss last year by the Council regarding the Social Security Fund and portfolio adjustment, has always been media discussion of the topic. DAI Xianglong, President of the national social security fund has just pointed out that at the Boao Forum for Asia,Long time, despite some ups and downs last year, but the pension fund stock 9 year average rate of return on investment is 18%. He explained that to the Council for Social Security Fund at the end of last year investment rate of return is the average annual income is $ 8.44%, NET returns after deducting inflation is 6%, is still good. Interest dividends on investments last year came back with more than 40 billion, rate of 5.5%, but the stock market fell more than 30 billion, last return is 0.85%. ����However, 1 this year the stock market went up, increase in the market value of more than 20 billion. "In the long term, stock investment as a share of our overall asset allocation is only about 20%, but we realize profits be around 40%, stock investment returns on average 9 years 18%,"He pointed out. DAI Xianglong said: "now entrusting me with 1000yilai investment in Guangdong Province tera power leveling, which is a concrete measures for reform and opening up, to preserve and increase the value, to the promotion of stability in the financial markets, at the same time benefit the country out of a way to. "He also admits how pension value is a topic worthy of discussion, because pensions have been2 trillion, will be more in the future. "We configured it in fixed-income products, and not less than two-year fixed deposit receipts, part may be investing in stocks tera gold, stock up to 40%, but 9 years only about 20% configuration, now how much stock is decided according to the price, the market tera power leveling, major investments in fixed income, but the part will also be investing in stocks. "He said. Others:

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