Monday, April 9, 2012

tera power leveling controlling the growth of health care costs - JJX

129774149462500000_86Accompanied by the market reform plans of the eagerly awaited, recently, the State Council issued the "Twelve-Five" during the reform of medical and health system planning and the implementation of the programme. Yesterday, the medical device and pharmaceutical and other related movements were also good. Impact of these programmes on relevant industries? Investors to grasp what investment logic?   Reporters interviewed yesterday correlation analysis Division. □Background on health reform plan, issued a few days ago, the State Council issued the "Twelve-Five" period of deepening the medical and health system planning and the implementation plan. Programme requirements, speed up and improve the universal health care system, consolidation of perfecting the system of essential medicines and basic health units run a new mechanism, actively promoting the reform of public hospitals, and manpower to promote reform in the area, a strongProtection mechanism is implemented. By 2015, more fair and basic health services, improved the level and efficiency of services; health expenditure growth under reasonable control, Government health input growth rate higher than the rate of growth in recurrent expenditure, government investment in health gradually increase the proportion of total recurrent expenditure, significantly reduce the burdens of the masses, spending on personal hygienePercentage of total health expenditure is reduced to 30%, visiting doctor being difficult and expensive problem is effectively mitigated. -On the promotion of medical industry market development fund Advisor Guo Fanli, a researcher at the pharmaceutical industry said, this programme is to enhance the voice of the pharmaceutical industry chain; the second is to improve the health reform mechanisms, strengthen the intensity of medical management; three are enhancedHealth care; four is to speed up the pace of reform of basic drugs five organized access to medical institutions is the relaxation of social capital.   These measures will raise the level of China's overall medical, promote the development of medical industries to market tera power leveling, public service. Societe Generale securities industry analysts believe that, on the overall plan on the development of medicine, healthcare industry play a facilitating role. Government spending, A comprehensive protection system, is expected to improve the basic health care needs of the residents. Development of commercial medical insurance, encourage social capital, enriched the multi-level medical guarantee system. In addition, advance the healthcare payment reform, controlling the growth of health care costs, and increase the income of doctors clinic tera gold, in favour of changes to status of drugs, beneficial to the medical services field tera power leveling,The pharmaceutical industry has a certain negative impact on () Others:

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