Thursday, March 29, 2012

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129773160494687500_110Wealth management platform of choice for high-end customers Home about wealth wealth wealth Academy member area of focused products online services function getQueryString (key) {var; var returnValue = ''; if (searchString.substr(0,1)=='?'g = searchString.substring(1,searchString.length) var queryList = queryString.split('Zhongjin gold in wealth management online Center for high-end customers online wealth management centre for high-end customers "from fortune to keep the rich stage of financial management of the current location: Home wealth Center Home Trust Bank equity www.cnfol.com2012 the body of research on March 26 the financial collateralSupporting projects, the trust has been the trust is known as a high margin of safety products. Due to the intrinsic value of Bank shares significantly in China, and bank stocks lower valuations, makes these products into fixed-income trust market of Xiang Bobo. This class of product yields of medium, General 9% in recent years yields about general size is small, mostly qianwanji; duration and moreShort, usually between December. Will be in the hands of banks ' shareholding hypothecation of trust companies, through the issuance of trust financing by way of Bank shareholders, mainly city commercial banks listed in the earlier years when the flood, in the firm's equity investment of large sums of money on the enterprise. In the context of current credit tightening, many holding shareholders are also facing cash-strapped state. For theseShareholders, because banks underestimated the value of stocks, if you sell shares, did not bring the expected benefits. But Bank shares a high long-term value, look if they do not want to lose their stakes and pressing, through equity co-existence of the pledge has become by far the most realistic option. Popular Bank shareholding hypothecation of trust issued this year according to buy Fund Research Center under the openStatistics as of March 19, 2012, since the beginning of this year, there are 34 Bank shareholding hypothecation of trust product release. New era involving trust companies including trust, founder Chang-an trust, trust, trust of East Asia, horizon international trust, trust, trust in Shandong province, five mine of zijin 8 trust companies such as trust, trust offering such products to the new era of which the most this yearHas issued a total of 27 such products only. Involves banks including the commercial bank, the Bank of Dalian, Erdos (600,295 shares, market tera power leveling, news, main trading) Bank, Bank, Bank, Bank of Guangzhou, Guiyang, Lanzhou shengjing Bank, the Bank of Harbin, Inner Mongolia diablo 3 power leveling, Merchants Bank, Bank, commercial bank of 12 banks in Taian city of Shaoxing. Among them, the newTrust linked to sub-contractors of Bank equity products in the age 19, commissioned by the commercial banks for the package of different shareholders, some scrolling issue. This year Bank shareholding hypothecation of trust issue. Data sources: buy funds research centre based on publicly available data. As of March 19, 2012. Financing strength or quality is top priority banking equityTrust products are fixed deferred income trust in the products. However, on the safety of specific products, is also requires careful analysis of its financing and specific security safeguards. Any product, you first need to ensure that the reliability of the first source of repayment. Financing is not a top priority, include not only the financing of strength, the finance industry, but also down to the financing fundInvestment, as well as the project repayment sources. Some real estate investment company in previous years a large number of city commercial banks shares, under the current funding environment of chain tension, have pulled out of hand equity for mortgage financing. When a project's use of funds is a real estate project, or source of repayment from the House sale return, relative to pure real estate trust projectsThe first source of repayment on the inspection points, its advantages are not highlighted. For example, in February of this year of city commercial banks as the assignee the right to equity returns from the subject of product, its clear that use of funds as "four star hotel renovation and decoration. "Therefore, when investors in selecting projects, need to distinguish between primary and secondary, keep in mind the first source of repayment of the financing party strength and is a top priority. ValuationTrap when you still need to control when financing is not strong enough, second source of repayment is the embodiment of its advantages. This means that product safety provisions designed, is especially important. Equity mortgage products, security person from the three main considerations: is the real value of equity, is the second transfer of equity value and the third is mortgage equity liquidity. Pledge of Bank equityTrust, as banks continue to maintain high profit margins and high growth rate, currently listed banks, its return on equity rates at around 18%, intrinsic value significantly. Transfer prices diablo 3 power leveling, the limited size of the currently listed bank stocks continue lower, lower valuation of listed banks forced transfer of non-listed Bank shares plunge in stock pricesAlso very limited. In terms of mobility, non-listed company shares cannot be traded in the secondary market, liquidity slightly worse. But banking equity market higher sought after, if the price is right, shares the same ability is strong. Therefore, at a time when product design, need to have reasonable valuations and an adequate margin of safety. Equity valuation of a variety of ways, the most common practice,Practices that best embody the business value is based on net asset value per share. Buy Fund compiled since the beginning of this year of such products in stock right pledge pledge of the valuation methods and price, find this General pledge products price for net assets per share of around 1 time, relative to the current listing of bank book value of around 1.2 times to 1.8 times times, pledge and reasonable prices. A total of 2Page 1[2] next last gold Fortune Center CNFOL Private Wealth Management jobs online | About us | Partners | Legal statement | Site map | Contact us all rights reserved: Fujian online Gold company limitedMin B2-20050010, Hello! 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