Friday, March 30, 2012

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129773214449531250_257Potential unlimited mobile Internet, mobile online shopping and mobile payments model was developed. Heads of relevant departments of the Ministry of industry and information technology of China recently said that China Mobile Internet enables rapid development, innovation is very active, app store explosion, ranking first in the world in 2011 growth, become the world's second-largest market. Up to 20The end of 11, scale up to 356 million mobile Internet users in China, an increase of 17.5%. Today, all the major job sites also targeted this market, have launched the mobile client application based on Web site. It is understood that since the beginning of 2011, qianchengwuyou products to their clients for a number of upgrades, and updates earlier this year "qianchengwuyou mobile"; in addition,Specialist recruitment sites such as zhonghuayingcaiwang, Pak Bo also has its own client. Recruitment and job-seekers, mobile recruitment's biggest advantage lies in its easy and fast, you can save a lot of manpower, material and financial resources. Especially mobile handset integration rather popular social network of recruitment, it is favored by many users. But at the same timeMobile job seekers there are still some problems tera power leveling, such as incomplete, information content, such as true and false treatment and welfare difficult, personal information vulnerable to disclosure.����Therefore, mobile job market, in order to make further progress, it remains to be seen to specification. Mobile Internet mobile client to cover new channels there's enormous potential has been revealed, according to a survey of mobile network OnDeviCE surveys show, 2011 there are about 38% of Chinese Internet users use their mobile phones, exceeded the total number of Internet users in one-third.����Coupled with the intelligent terminals in particular, the growing popularity of smartphones, mobile terminal development models were developed one after another, various industries are racing to market. Recruitment industry, of course, is no exception. Smartphone mobile Internet application in particularPopularity for the job market with the development of new ideas. Mobile clients are more and more jobs attention.����In the current mainstream mobile phone platforms, qianchengwuyou, zhonghuayingcaiwang, Pak Pak specialist recruitment website, and 58 cities, fair network of recruitment channels has its own client, and constantly optimized. Currently more well-known job siteQianchengwuyou, for example, it is understood that since the beginning of 2011, qianchengwuyou of Andriod or iOS client-oriented products for a number of upgrades and updates at the beginning of this year "qianchengwuyou mobile", by 51job client and mobile, users can synchronize access to 2 million enterprises posted on the qianchengwuyou website on the latest postsYou can use the "job search", "pay the query" and other tools for managing personal cover page. "Enterprises and workers, recruitment and job search from your phone is a unique business model, is optimistic about the prospects. "Industry experts said. But in fact, the current domestic market, mobile recruitment needs have not been met, still exists room for development in this area.According to Analysys International latest report the life class of client development present situation and the future development trend of the market, according to lifestyle mobile client recruitment information of users want to get to 29.6%, users demand potential has not yet been effectively addressed, and the vendor layout does not.����Therefore, life client companies can try and try some innovative features on recruiting information. Mobile phoneSNS client integration job much more efficient mobile phone with anytime, anywhere, with characters, using the mobile phone client for employment is a win-win process, can effectively improve the recruitment companies and job seekers between the serious problem of asymmetric information, will bring significant benefits to both sides. For job seekers, no matter what time, whatPoints, you can at any time through the mobile client to view job information, and find useful information for the first time, once a favorite posts will be able to drop off my resume in a timely manner or to interview, and don't have to worry about missed deadlines. In addition, job seekers can also use mobile client-related enterprises and effective screening of job applications or tools, even while waiting for an interview can also passCell phone to apply for other businesses, saving a lot of time. From recruitment companies in terms of time value is also a big advantage mobile recruitment, once companies need for recruitment, job recruitment Web site information from your phone, and anytime you can view employee information, see candidate can immediately about to interview, is almost "zeroCosts. " Picked this, many companies are keen on mobile recruiting.����The other hand, if only computer terminals in order to login jobs site, be it recruitment companies are recruiting platform, will lose a lot of mobile phone users tera gold, which is adverse to any party. Mobile recruiting is not the ultimate development of the simple mode. Now, through theIncluding microblogging, forums, blogs, and other social networks for job-seekers, the ascendant, mobile client and a new model for social networking integration of job-seekers has become a recruiting job search keys. The current most popular "micro-recruitment", for example, the login such as Sina, Sohu, Tencent microblogging sites, respectively, to recruiting and job search as the search keyword, the search resultsUp to thousands of articles, fiery as reflected in the extent.����The industry believes, in addition to previous job fairs, online your resume for a job, now micro-blogging is becoming the method of recruitment "third choice".����Job-seekers also need to be cautious, but mobile phones mobile phone jobs is not good but no harm, there also exist some problems behind the rise and gradually became more popular. First, because mobile phones are available forCapacity than computer more limitations, a number of recruiters or job seeker simply leaving contact information, basic information such as business or personal circumstances, and involves and benefits, welfare and other more detailed content is rarely improve, this is undoubtedly to recruit job seekers of truth to bury hidden dangers. Second, because of the characteristics of Internet freedom, so some job information and job searchDifficile true and false personal information.����In addition, using the mobile client job diablo 3 gold, key personal information vulnerable to leaks, especially with the boom of microblogging application, using Twitter to recruit information "phishing" scams are a minority. Therefore, when personal mobile phone jobs, best selection of well-known companies or through the real-name authentication enterprise application, EnterprisePhone and address should also be checked carefully, beware of the job seekers were cheated in the process. In addition, regulators should also strengthen the norm, introduced as soon as possible relevant policies and regulations for mobile recruitment, job and recruitment companies in fraud has been. Internet companies also rely on the relevant technical means to minimize fishing event occurs. Others:

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