Thursday, March 22, 2012

diablo 3 gold we have just referred in particular Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said - ZEI

129756477760625000_12Summary: the vast majority of countries, they do not want this kind of dispute, escalated into a global issue, fundamentally undermine the relationship with China. This led us to shelve the controversial issues of common development, still as a proactive programme. Some foreign forces to intervene, take advantage of some of the conflict to isolate us, so in this case,We deal more calm, considered from the overall situation tera gold, to scenery Long Island look to the mind. March 6, Phoenix global connections diablo 3 gold, of Phoenix, following is a text record: hu-HU: at a press conference today, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, active also mentioned the issue of the South China Sea, he stressed that it should be resolved by direct negotiation the parties dispute related topics continues to pleaseTaught in Shanghai were the less general, brother, little brother General, we have just referred in particular Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said, but he said that until the dispute is resolved, you can shelve the controversy developed, these eight words in the past has been a very long time. Now this environment, coined by the issue of the South China Sea before the moment he where the complexity of the change is, and the eight words are you nowAlso is the best, the best strategy? Wang Shaopu: current problem complexity in South China Sea, mainly in foreign countries meddle in, meddling in the South China Sea issue, attempting to United States, incite the relationship between China and the surrounding countries, constraints on China, it is the complexity of the problem. Therefore, under such circumstances, I think we should calmly deal with, There is a word called scenery Long Island look. Wang Shaopu: China and our neighborhood, in particular the South China Sea in some countries, there are contradictions on the territorial issue, but on the one hand it should be noted that these contradictions do not occupy us and the overall situation in these countries, without rising to the position of one of the most important, there is a local issue, and China in these countries there are importantOf common interest. Wang Shaopu: we can see that the vast majority of countries, they do not want this kind of dispute, escalated into a global issue, fundamentally undermine the relationship with China. So we have this shelve disputes developed problems, and still is used as an active programme, we can make. Wang Shaopu: now some countries, of course, he did not want toAccept or verbally accepted, in fact, do not accept, in fact encroached on some of our interests, we regard this issue, should take the necessary measures to protect our sovereign interests. We should also note, during the resolution of this problem he does not solve. Wang Shaopu: especially note that some foreign forces to intervene, LeeWith such a conflict to isolate us, so in this case, we deal more calm, considered from the overall situation, to scenery Long Island look to the mind. Philip purchased United States used warships in Chinese waters, "loud" Wang Shaopu: we should resolutely safeguard our interests diablo 3 power leveling, on the other hand you want to further discuss, from the global consult. Others:

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