Saturday, June 9, 2012

author accounts Diablo 3 CD-KEY author accounts - GKMT

129822627284843750_5High Court to disclose Insider trader Mr Huang Zhong Guan village path exposure Yesterday, Huang guangyu, the Supreme People's Court disclosed the details of insider trading and disclosing insider information. Huang guangyu, former company legal person, yesterday's hurun China's richest man, on November 19, 2008, his suspicion of manipulation of Zhongguancun (000931, closed at $ 6.82) and *ST Kim Tae (600,385, closed at $ 3.56) shares are policeInvestigation. Huang guangyu, the Supreme People's Court to disclose Insider details of Zhong Guan Cun, the daily economic news reporter Fu Zhong Guan village price trends, reveal Huang's stock-trading paths. Watch: Insider 2008 Mr Huang, Huang to 43 billion dollars worth to win the hurun China rich list first. Despite the personal net worth of 43 billion, but it is stillFor insider trading in the stock market. Operating in Zhongguancun significant asset restructuring and reorganization of decision-making, information before the announcement. First of all, April 27, 2007, Huang Trojan more than 9.76 million Zhongguancun stock purchase shares, turnover amounted to some $ more than 93.1 million, book income more than 3.48 million Yuan. Second, August 13, 2007, Huang directed at umetal, who used multiple accounts, Trojan acquired Zhongguancun stocks more than more than 104 million shares, turnover amounted to $ 1.322 billion, book income $ 306 million. The two transactions during the period, Huang spent a total $ 1.415 billion of funds, book income more than 306 million Yuan, is the background of the transaction, 2007 Mr Huang to $ 45 billion worthHurun report rich list ranked fourth in 2008 Mr Huang to 43 billion yuan hurun China rich list worth ranking the top. 43 billion dollars worth, insider trading more than 1.415 billion yuan Zhong Guan Cun, book income more than 306 million Yuan. Point two: Huang trader without fear or favour "5��30" plunged in July 2007, August, intends to buy pengtai holding company in ZhongguancunEquity restructuring of the Department, Mr Huang participated in the major reorganization of assets operation and decision-making. In front of the information bulletin, Huang decided and ordered others to use Long Yan, who's identity card, opened and controlled directly by the individual stock accounts. April 27, 2007, Huang Trojan more than 9.76 million Zhongguancun stock purchase shares, total turnover 9,310Yu Yuan, book income more than 3.48 million Yuan. From the perspective of Zhong Guan Cun complex trend right before, on April 27, 2007, Huang Zhong Guan village in person during the stock, a stock market experienced a "5��30", due to the early morning of the day of stamp duty hike, falling 283 points close to the a-share market, over more than 900 stocks fell, setting a record high in 2007Stock market tumbled the most, and the few days later many stocks also fell in a row. From the share price of Zhongguancun, Zhongguancun, May 29 from $ 12.85 unilateral fell between July 17 and low $ 6.77. From the above path has been seen, Mr Huang edge-fell almost without fear or favour shares bucked the buy. Released from the highest transaction exceptions 2nd judicial determination, trade depart from threadDegree, degree of departure from Act that deals with the normal trade, in the "5��30" crash, Huang contrarian trader Zhongguancun stock personally, perhaps this kind of contrarian trading showed a bag of unusual transactions. Point three: rhododendron gains most in 10 years on April 27, 2007 to June 27, when Huang Zhong Guan village in person, 2007 years in July and August, in front of the Zhongguancun asset restructuring information bulletin, Huang directed others to 79 people such as Cao Chujuan open stock account of ID cards, rhododendron and arranged for his wife to assist management stock accounts above. August 13, 2007, Huang directed at umetal in Zhongguancun, such cumulative account has been used to purchase stock more than more than 104 million shares,Turnover amounted to some $ more than 1.322 billion, book income more than 306 million Yuan. Above the main aspect is that Huang himself to complete the previous St, then to 79 ID card to open a share account, and arranged for his wife azalea trader. From August 13, 2007, cuckoo trader Zhongguancun. Zhongguancun, on the secondary market on August 13$ 3 single rose rose to the highest point on September 3 in a row $ 17.79, the daily economic news reporter found, 79% Zhongguancun risen during the, highest in Zhongguancun, the largest gain in nearly 10 years. Point four: the restructuring party former Chairman personally during the rhododendron trader in trader, Xu zhongmin, Chairman of the original Zhongguancun know Huang used such inside information intoLine/in the village of stock transactions, accept Huang's instructions, Xu Weiming in Guangdong borrowed identity open stock account or direct borrowing stock accounts of others. August 13, 2007 ~9 28th, Trojan more than 31.66 million Zhongguancun stock purchase shares, turnover amounted to more than more than 414 million dollars, book gain of some $ more than 90.21 million. Point five:Group wife trader, former Chairman, Xu zhongmin, Chairman of the original Zhongguancun Zhongguancun stocks late in the August 13, 2007, Xu zhongmin deliberate restructuring of Zhong Guan Cun to be insider information to people like Li Shanjuan and his wife huaizhu. September 21, 2007, Li Shanjuan buy Zhongguan village stocks more than more than 120,000 units, turnover of total 181Million Yuan. Run during which shares of Zhongguancun, Zhongguancun fell on September 21, decreased by 6.73% on 24th, 25th up 2.82%, and thereafter in three trading days, September 28 stock daily limit of Zhongguancun, Zhongguancun began almost one year of suspension of the next day. In this path, Li Shanjuan is buying time for the first time on September 21, 2007, theStock in operation for the first time from Mr Huang Zhong Guan village April 27 over 5 months SWTOR Credits, from the during the share price of Zhongguancun, Li Shanjuan in action shares of Zhongguancun, Zhongguancun stock time was last up stage. Insider trading profit of 150,000 are serious after a few years later, Huang Insider details disclosed by the Supreme People's Court yesterday. Caused by the same industryHeight is concerned, consideration by the Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate of China through the handling of insider trading and disclosing insider information on criminal cases at the same time several issues of application of law to disclose, and will be formally implemented starting June 1. This is the "two Supremes" for securities and Futures issued the first judicial interpretation of the crime. It is understood that the interpretation from the time lineAssociate level, trade depart from level and interests, as well as related transactions of typical characteristics are obvious exceptions expressly provided. At the same time also provide, insider trading profit or avoid a loss of more than $ 150,000, should be identified as "serious". Huang was sentenced to 14 years ' imprisonment for the second intermediate people's Court in Beijing disclosed defendant Huang and the others as a cardMargin trading on insider information and informed staff, in relation to have a significant impact on the price of the Securities and exchange information has not been made public before, buying the stock, the Insider book gains are huge turnover and, circumstances are particularly serious, Mr Huang and defendant of the common cuckoo, Xu zhongmin constitute insider trading crime, Xu zhongmin leaking inside information to another person, also constitutes a crime of leaking insider information, whichPrincipal Mr Huang, azaleas, Xu zhongmin accessory. Accordingly, the Beijing second intermediate people's Court according to the defendant, Huang, azalea Diablo 3 CD-KEY, Xu zhongmin crime facts, nature of the crime, the circumstances and the degree of harm to society, sentenced Huang guangyu, the defendant committed offenses of illegal operation and sentenced to eight years ' imprisonment and confiscation of personal property at $ 200 million; guilty of insider trading and sentenced toPunishment for nine years, and a fine of 600 million Yuan, guilty of bribery and sentenced to two years, decides to perform to 14 years ' imprisonment, and fined $ 600 million, and confiscation of personal property of $ 200 million. Rhododendron sentenced the defendant guilty of insider trading and sentenced to three years and six months and a fine of 200 million Yuan. Xu zhongmin guilty of insider trading and disclosing insider information of the defendant sentencedThree years ' imprisonment and a fine of 100 million Yuan, and guilty of bribery and sentenced to one year, decide to do three years ' imprisonment, and a fine of 100 million dollars. High Procuratorate crackdown on insider trading yesterday, the Supreme People's Court of China spokesman Sun Jungong describes the judicial interpretation of the situation at a news conference. He said a total of 11 judicial interpretation, comprehensively and systematically on the insiderInterest and informed personnel, illegal access to insider information, insider information, insider trading and divulging sensitive information be convicted and punished on the standard application of law provisions. It is understood that the early 2008 until the end of 2011, SFC Gets a total 426 cases of insider trading clues, investigation of 153. It is because of this situation, the Supreme People's Court, the mostHigh people s Procuratorate introduced the relevant judicial interpretation of crime of insider trading. By the end of 2011, the national court docket insider trading and disclosing insider information on criminal cases involving a total of 22, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. Because of the paperless securities and futures trading, information and otherCharacteristics, criminals tend to pass information, 3G communication using the Internet and other advanced technologies and intentions, increasing the difficulty of ex post facto evidence, lead to practice investigate cases of insider trading and disclosing insider information in criminal cases and the real number of cases is very different from. 150,000 is a serious insider trading for profit, has been a long-standing violations of the security market, involving more thanThe transaction amount, or how much profit, are "serious", and will be severely punished by the law? Supreme Law, insider information or express or implied others during the sensitive period or disclosure of insider information to lead to the work in connection with insider information on securities, futures trading, have one of the following circumstances, should be recognized as a "serious": securities transactionsTurnover in amount over $ 500,000 and a futures trading occupied margin in more than 300,000 yuan, profit or avoid a loss of over $ 150,000, insider trading or disclosing inside information more than three can be found in serious. According to the provisions of the Penal Code article 180 first paragraph, in serious cases, imprisonment of 5 years or criminal detention, and illegal income or 1 time to5 times on the following fine; the circumstances are especially serious, 5 to 10 years of imprisonment, and illegal gains more than 1 time 5 times times the fine. In addition, the degree of judicial interpretation from the time line, trading away from the level and degree of interest associated three typical features found in related transactions are obvious exceptions. A degree is a time line. From time and insider lettersChanges in interest-bearing formation and grasp level of anastomosis, open. Than the time mainly in the following three categories: author accounts, close, activate the capital account or the transactions (managed) wow power leveling, revoke the designation of transaction (transfer hosting); money changing time; related to securities, futures contracts to buy or sell. Second was traded away from the level. Act that deals with the normal tradeDegree of departure from the holding. Normal trading mainly reflected in the following two points: transactions based on usual habits and transaction behavior; based on securities, futures trading behavior of public information that should be taken. Three are associate degree of interest. Trading funds from accounts access to insider information and the knowledge or illegal to obtain personnel not associated with or interested in grasping. Lawyer: helps protect investmentYesterday the Supreme Law of interest, relevant judicial interpretations of the Supreme People's Procuratorate announced, new look illustrious lawyer Song Yixin of Shanghai lawyer believes that this is the first judicial interpretation of the insider, is basically the past judicial practice and summary of the administrative law enforcement practice, but also effectively complements the security law is insufficient. However, this is not a judicial interpretation of the civil compensation lawsuit involved, only solutionsPut the code of criminal procedure and administrative problems in law enforcement, but also objectively useful also contribute to civil compensation lawsuit advance for insider trading. As China Securities civil compensation lawsuit lawyer for 12 years, said Song Yixin, "hope that the Supreme Law introduced as soon as possible of inside trading civil compensation for judicial interpretation, moreover, introduced judicial interpretation of civil compensation of share price manipulation and false statement civil compensation DivisionExplained by the need to further improve, so that such case law, to Chinese investors to legal protection as soon as possible ". Introduction to Song Yixin, is still in the trial of civil compensation in insider trading case, Beijing accepted the second case of civil compensation of Huang guangyu, insider trading and entertain civil compensation case of insider trading in the past was unable to defeat. For example, in NanjingCase of civil compensation of Chen Jian-Liang Insider (withdrawn), the Beijing intermediate people's Court accepted case of civil compensation of Pan Hai deep Insider (lost), which, for the protection of investors ' interests and securities market legal system environment purification greatly useless. (Zeng Zijian) Others:

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