Friday, June 29, 2012

[scroll] United States April wholesale inventory ring 0.6% increases higher than expected

129836519577343750_234Cement sector fell by 1.77% tongli cement led NetEase finance, June 8-cement industry stocks weaker trend today, as of closing, plate by 1.77% diablo iii power leveling, units, with cement by 5.27% led, cement decreased by 4.95% in Jiangxi, brand group decreased by 4.72% Tower, rising stocks rising Dragon pipe industry in 0.95% leading the way. [Scroll] nine doors to be closed for 93 homeQualified factory pig slaughtering (06-08) [scroll] said the European Commission may at any time and rescue Spain banking (06-08) [scroll] total assets of the banking industry 105 trillion at the end of last year six eastern provinces account for more than half (06-08) [scroll] Pearl River Piano, Chairman Wang RunpeiResignation company listing in less than two weeks (06-08) [scroll] West axletree formulation increases raise no more than 1.73 billion yuan on resumption from the 11th (06-08) [scroll] United States April wholesale inventory ring 0.6% increases higher than expected (06-08) [scroll] regulator:And new standards are not high in some countries than China's capital Regulation (06-08) [scroll] regulator: over-the-counter derivatives into the new regulatory capital framework (06-08) [scroll] catalogue of the Government procurement items Treasury released the Trial Edition (06-08) [scroll] United Kingdom Prime Minister says notWill participate in the euro area "Banking Union" (06-08) [scroll] lower Dow stocks Friday fell by 0.24% (06-08) [scroll] Hangzhou Health Department ordered Kentucky Fried chicken to reorganize user aeration does not disinfect the tray (06-08) [scroll]IMF: China rate cutsDelivering steady growth signals expected growth this year 8% (06-08) [scroll] in international oil prices have fallen sharply (06-08) [scroll] Foton intends to pay $ 1.782 million in Brazil to set up subsidiaries (06-08) [scroll] per cent per litre of gasoline, 93rd in GuangdongHigh $ 7.52 (06-08) [scroll] development and Reform Commission, explain the reduction in oil prices than markets expected reasons (06-08) [scroll] panzhihua iron and vanadium-titanium intends to raise its mining assets does not exceed 12 billion to buy angang (06-08) [scroll] Ming effected the oil price reducedCost is a matter of urgency (06-08) [scroll] McDonald's global same-store sales increased by 3.3% May (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank: implementation of prudent monetary policy requirements meet the real economy (06-08) [scroll] soldiers loaded group exit and jianlibao joint ventureCompany sold all 30% shares (06-08) [scroll] bright dairy private placement approved haitong securities escort (06-08) [scroll] France's Central Bank forecast the economy will shrink in the second quarter of 0.1% (06-08) [scroll] Shanghai: a car with LPG retailingPrices drop 3 cents (06-08) [scroll], 93rd Shanghai fell to $ 7.58 per litre gasoline (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank cut interest rates by 25 basis points financial costs of electric power Enterprise (06-08) [scroll], 93rd, Beijing fell to $ 7.64 per litre of gasoline (06-08) [scroll]IMF: China's economic growth this year 8% the Yuan is still undervalued (06-08) [scroll] Wharf: stake in green city is a strategic investment trust Greentown to redemption (06-08) [scroll] according to Lufthansa Cargo to confirm closure of jade cargo will notOut of China (06-08) [scroll] CBRC commercial bank capital management question and answer session (06-08) [scroll] Green City: year to date sales compliance 38% free of price reduction program (06-08) [scroll] Song Weiping: trading matter don't mindRight to decline (06-08) [scroll] Hongwei ZHANG: green city sells unit to survive the "live" is the most important (06-08) [scroll] Chongqing 1200 poor farmers will choose projects for poverty alleviation (06-08) [scroll] tracking of Guangdong power grid load's first this yearHigh June gap will be reduced (06-08) [scroll] various provinces, gasoline and diesel retail price table of the highest (06-08) [scroll] China's petrochemical and Russia chemical signed cooperative agreements (06-08) [scroll] shares in the face of major tournaments feet soft euro can spellBreak (06-08) of gasoline and diesel respectively, down $ 0.39 per litre and $ 0.44 | Stock market effects | Successive adjustment | Lin Bo Qiang | topic around this fall in high oil product prices modification | Oil prices or will continue down | Pulling sales limited green city Kowloon Kuranari 2nd largest shareholder | WillSelling 10 billion project | Hongwei ZHANG: to live the most important | Selected thematic NetEase finance week pictures [financial] auto group in Jiangsu Province broke down continued: oil product Super chlorine content United States 6,000 times [financial] Green City continue to "sell one's soul self" shares the wharf to raise $ 5 billion Hong Kong dollars [financial] Canon Zhuhai require employees to long-term leave FujiKang denied Chengdu riots [financial] silver insurance business in China Construction Bank fell regardless of performance not to be punished [shares] the two outflows of 8 billion shares being the banks to buy points to [stock] SFC: restructuring share insider involved shall suspend the restructuring of listed companies [commercial] learn from Liu brand construction highest youth unemployment in the world countries[Commercial] 8 questions that must be asked before the venture venture capital is like a pair of power-law distribution of [financial] Central Bank rate cut millions of mortgages issued 20 36,000 fewer bonds cancel [financial] rich dating $ 40,000 spare cash to finance activities of interest exposure pictures documentary: revealing the secrets of Foxconn, as United States Federal Reserve System

Olin bass E-M5 sensor the same as Panasonic GX1

129828564432187500_195Olin bass E-M5 sensor the same as Panasonic GX1? Olin bass E-M5 (parameter photo articles) carry 16 million pixel sensor in a four-thirds format. Speculation on this sensor for the outside world, Olympus does not have official responses. Recently France to Chasseur d'Images magazine announced that they have found the answer: E-M5 are Panasonic GX1Sensors. Allegedly, Olin bass E-M5 pick up is identical to the Panasonic GX1 sensor. Difference is E-M5 weakened the low pass filters diablo iii power leveling, so to have a higher resolution image, but it also increases the chances of the moiré. The Chasseur d'Images in magazine reviews official site, E-M5 received a 5 star review.

Dong-e e-Jiao

129836519603906250_286An Decheng sound scale by the Fund for these conditions this year insurance excess Fu Ming laugh An Decheng sound was established in September 18, 2003, has been almost 9 years, is one of the few funds across the Niu Xiong in the industry, set up a date to bring 108.29% benefits for investors. However the Fund from 2011 continuous dividend since traditional interrupt, large dividend funds after the end of 2010 is not over 1, scale the tragic "these conditions", Share binary. As of June 7, the robust funds fell An Decheng 3.78%, bottom of the rankings, established the Fund "sunset". Performance falling bottom of the rankings from 2003 to the end of 2010, League of Nations An Decheng subtle sound performance, net worth at the end of November 2010 up to $ 1.553, after high dividends for the current period, netValue all the way down. As of June 7, the index is up 4.93% this year, the Shanghai composite base up 7.78% diablo 3 power leveling, An Decheng stable funds this year are still falling 3.78%, net worth of only $ 0.8140, sharp run transportation index, transmission and other similar funds run average, ranked 181 in 187 only Fund of its kind, 924 meters of open fund ranking in 910, ranked both the bottom two classes. Crazy-for-shares rebound missed new shares fell up less wrong outsourcing market, exchange rates are too high, performance problems of the insurance excess funds this year, League of Nations An Decheng sound is no exception. An Decheng robust Fund over the past 5 quarters of stock positions, respectively, 67.72%, 59., 68%, 60.09%, in last year's stock market wave declines, global link An Decheng steady to lower positions, avoiding the net worth fall sharply, the Fund does not foresee to last year's stock market plunge, however, improve stock positions, resulting in net worth plummet. The fund managers reduce equity positions in the first quarter of this year, missed a quarter of the year the stock market rally�� In addition, the blind Exchange is one of the Fund because of the bottom of the rankings this year. According to the League of Nations An Decheng robust fund quarterly shows, top ten holdings are: wuliangye, nanrui, Dong-e e-Jiao, people's livelihood Bank, overseas Chinese city a, songs, acoustics, Dong Fulong, hisun pharmaceutical industry, Hingsen Ding in technology, shares, new holdings up to 6, and 6 new holdings, In addition to songs, acoustics, Minsheng Bank, and 4 new nanrui, sea of holdings are in the pharmaceutical industry, Hingsen technology click here, Ding shares drop in varying degrees since the second quarter, with the remaining 4 large holdings were mixed. Instead, the last 4 quarters of the Fund's largest holdings sea hikvision is almost 25% this year, shares, Jerry shares since the beginning of this year rose significantly, but3 holdings were in the first quarter was only-cleaning, this shift, a direct result of An Decheng stable funds declining NET, bottom of the rankings. 1 year share halved shrunken Super solid 2011 quarterly displayed An Decheng 60%, the size of 350 million Yuan, 340 million shares, after a year, the Fund for the year 2012 quarterly shows its size of only 140 millionYuan, only more than 170 million copies of shrunken Super 60%, halving the share. As their net worth decline, Christian Democratic redemption, which the Fund's recent three quarters experienced net redemption of 70 million and 35 million respectively, 56 million. Manager profile: Mr Fu Mingxiao, graduate student, joined in July 2004 haitong securities company limitedAny researcher in December 2005 and joined the State-linked funds management limited, former research fellow, senior research fellow and Assistant Fund Manager, in August 2008 he has been a League of Nations An Decheng sound security investment fund managers, May 2010, head of the League of Nations An Decheng dividend stock securities investment funds and fund managers.

Alibaba Group Chairman Ma 6th

129836407505312500_69MA: Alibaba group will be listed within 5 years According to Hong Kong media reports, Alibaba Group Chairman Ma 6th, on sale of equity to fund, sovereign wealth Fund Temasek, open to funds to buy back Yahoo stake, but do not want to share the schema being one or two shareholders control diablo iii power leveling, as it will affect the operation of management. Alibaba group is willing to accept the China Investment Corporation and Temasek Holdings, such as sovereign wealth funds investments,But if the Alibaba Group's ownership structure would not be one or two large shareholders control. Temasek is already a shareholder of Alibaba group. In May of this year, Alibaba group agree that the IPO (initial public offer) prior to 20% prices from Yahoo for $ 7.1 billion to buy back shares. He said: "you need to have a number of strong partners,But I want to make sure that it has the health of corporate governance structure. I do not want to subject to a strong partner. Otherwise, after 5 years or 10, perhaps the next generation leadership team cannot afford these shareholder pressure. "Ma, Alibaba IPO listing location has not been determined. He said: "today is too early to discuss the issue. In China, weThe size may be too large. I do not know the United States will welcome us, depending on the situation after five years. This is different from our financing, profitability because we are strong. ��

just don't give you a contract of gold. To receive a month's wages more than 1000 blocks

129836519523281250_130Zhuhai Canon requires some long-term vacation _ NetEase science and technology Canon Zhuhai Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "Canon Zhuhai") has recently called for some long vacation diablo iii power leveling, vacation 80% salary employees only, and exit the dormitory. Canon Zhuhai said yesterday the personnel branch, plant relocation plan has nothing to do with the company, but with the entire international economic environment. Vacations timed exit a Zhuhai hostel Canon employees recently onlineTan a piece published by the personnel section of the company's "take notice", said in the notice, the employee of "rest" period is June 5-August 26, but according to the production company, "rest" might shorten or extend the time, employees must obey the arrangement. Notice that in current production programme of the company changes, cause the production by theBig impact, even though the company has made the maximum efforts, but still have a lot of leeway personnel. According to the latest production planning, will have ample staff still exist within a certain period, in order to ensure the development and stability of their staff, the company decided to implement a "rest" strategy. Notice that "break" during the 80% salary on employees. Full returns home, Exit the dormitory before June 10. Pay site round-trip fare to the company staff accounts. Base pay not enough overhead to do 80% pay, notification may seem very attractive, but Canon Zhuhai people do not think so, post employees complained: "holiday of 3 months, not to eat, not to live, termination of labor contract is not possible, to goHas resigned, just don't give you a contract of gold. To receive a month's wages more than 1000 blocks, themselves out to rent a House, eat enough how Ah? "Friends have said that:" employees who don't want to go home, why Hostels do not let them live it? Is not understood. "At the same time, there are many netizens cast envious eyes. User "Princess of the cold," said: "if only I could haveSuch a two-month rest good and brought basic wages are willing to! "" Now is so bad the economic situation, many enterprises are laying off workers, such a good treatment, I envy, and can go home and take the money, why not? "Netizens" Xi Shi XS "said. Many Canon employees who believe in Zhuhai, some staff were "rest" may be associated with bad business. However,Zhuhai Canon employees revealed that the "break" is because the company is about to produce a new model, and the old model will be discontinued. New models in production debugging does not need such a large number of staff in the early days, therefore employees "to break", as soon as the new models into production on a large scale, is the need for a large number of employees also rework. Lawyer view notification has legal effect if dismissal risksCanon Zhuhai notifications have the force of law? Zhuhai city, Guangdong Province, this reporter consulted the public Deng Shulin Weide firm lawyers. Deng Shulin said: "If the holiday for three months for staff living quarters, will pose a great risk to company management. In accordance with the regulations, collar salary 1300 Yuan more than during the holiday, but also claims the journey home, according to the company's real, Making this decision, sensible, reasonable and lawful view my site here, is a reflection of the human nature management, the notification has the force of law. "Some employees that enterprises would like to take this opportunity to dismiss or they are" relegate to limbo ", even though the resumption of treatment in fear down, Deng Shulin said:" If early dismissal, Zhuhai Canon will face considerable legal risk. ��

Thursday, June 28, 2012

and today was no exception

129838042566093750_92Rivers to Landau tears do not determine whether teaching this group of players Yeah sporting on June 10 88:101 Celtic lost to heat, in the Eastern finals robbed seven war. After the game|diablo 3 power leveling, coach Doug-rivers are very emotional. "I am very proud of my players, we ran out of all power. I wonder if you could teach a group of players. "And his players, like regret and sadness of the rivers, andThat comes from losing heat, rather than three times over. "I really hope that this team into the finals, not for myself. You look at the teams, not Jeff Green, no, Chris-philipwilcox, not Avery-Bradley sth If we take the squad broke into the finals, wouldn't it be much better. This is a trulyOn the meaning of the team. "" In the future when recalled today, I think I would say that our team played well in the playoffs. But now, I can't really think so. "" Being a Celtic, for me the most proud of, is that 17 champion. In this way, nobody in the team will celebrate the individual honors. "Throughout the series, he is hotFire players, especially Le Blanc-James spoke highly of, and today was no exception: "Le Blanc today was special bright, aggressive. He let the game take the initiative into his control. While Pos is the x-factor, he gave the heat needed. Heat players are able to get the ball in, (Pos) three three-sth It's enough to beat us. "" I tellLe Blanc, to win it, and I am proud of him. "But he is not without regret:" I really hope that we can be more healthy sth The team took a champion, hit a final seventh race, I don't know if we could have more sth "in the Conference final, when Landau came to the scene after sitting beside rivers, rivers of tears out. He microphonePass lang, choke said: "he is a great player. ��

[scroll] Wharf

129836519565468750_211India National Bank lowered fixed deposit interest rate 0.25% NetEase finance, June 8 in India's Central Bank before the open policy meeting this month, India's largest bank of India State Bank announced on Thursday that the fixed deposit interest rates 0.25%, effective from Friday. India's Central Bank, which meets on June 18, an amendment to the monetary policy, expectations that India's Central Bank cut the benchmark interest rate 0.25% to boost India economyGrowth. India's Central Bank Vice President tsubi-Subir gokarn said, in view of the modest economic growth and the continued decline of crude oil prices, India's Central Bank will leave room for relaxation of monetary policy. India after National Bank cut interest rates this time, various grades of time deposit interest rate adjusted accordingly, period seven days fixed deposits rates from 7-179 to 7%, for 180 days depositInterest rates down to 7%, the current minimum lending rate of 10%. [Scroll] resignation of Chairman Wang Runpei Pearl River Piano company listing in less than two weeks (06-08) [scroll] West axletree formulation increases raise no more than 1.73 billion yuan on resumption from the 11th (06-08) [scroll] United StatesApril wholesale inventory ring 0.6% increases higher than expected (06-08) [scroll] regulator: with a number of countries than the new regulatory capital standards are not high in China (06-08) [scroll] regulator: over-the-counter derivatives into the new regulatory capital framework (06-08) [scroll] financialCatalogue of the Department said trial government procurement items (06-08) [scroll] United Kingdom Prime Minister, says it will not participate in the euro area "Banking Union" (06-08) [scroll] lower Dow stocks Friday fell by 0.24% (06-08) [scroll] Hangzhou Health Department in charge shall commandPat Davie rectification netizens aeration does not disinfect the tray (06-08) [scroll]IMF: China interest rate cuts expected growth this year 8% delivered steady growth signals (06-08) [scroll] in international oil prices have fallen sharply (06-08) [scroll] Foton proposed capital 1.782 millionDollars in Brazil to set up subsidiaries (06-08) [scroll], 93rd gasoline per liter $ 7.52 per cent of Guangdong (06-08) [scroll] development and Reform Commission, explain the reduction in oil prices than markets expected reasons (06-08) [scroll] panzhihua iron and vanadium-titanium intends to raise not more 12 billionAngang subsidiary purchases assets (06-08) [scroll] oil prices out downward to reduce cost is a matter of urgency (06-08) [scroll] McDonald's global same-store sales increased by 3.3% May (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank: implementation of prudent monetary and politicalPolicy requirements meet the real economy (06-08) [scroll] soldiers loaded group quit and jianlibao joint venture company sold all 30% shares (06-08) [scroll] bright dairy private placement approved haitong securities escort (06-08) [scroll] France's Central Bank forecasts economic0.1% to contract in the second quarter (06-08) [scroll] Shanghai: cars with LPG retail prices drop 3 cents (06-08) [scroll], 93rd Shanghai fell to $ 7.58 per litre gasoline (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank cut interest rates by 25 basis points of power financialCosts (06-08) [scroll], 93rd, Beijing fell to $ 7.64 per litre of gasoline (06-08) [scroll]IMF: China's economic growth this year 8% the Yuan is still undervalued (06-08) [scroll] Wharf: stake in green city is a strategic investmentGreentown can redeem (06-08) [scroll] Lufthansa Cargo to confirm closure of Emerald Air says it will not pull out of China (06-08) [scroll] CBRC commercial bank capital management question and answer session (06-08) [scroll] Green City: year to date sales reaching 38% no rulesDie-cut plan (06-08) [scroll] Song Weiping: decline in transaction prices matter don't mind a voice (06-08) [scroll] Hongwei ZHANG: green city sells unit to survive the "live" is the most important (06-08) [scroll] 1200 poor farmers in ChongqingSelect construction projects for poverty alleviation (06-08) [scroll] tracking of Guangdong power grid load's first new highs in June this year the gap will be reduced (06-08) [scroll] various provinces, gasoline and diesel retail price table of the highest (06-08) [scroll] China's petrochemical and Russia sign of chemical enterprisesProtocol (06-08) [scroll] shares in the face of major tournaments feet soft European Cup magic spell can break (06-08) [scroll] tracking of Guangdong power grid load's first year record (06-08) [scroll] Chairman Wang Runpei Pearl River Piano resigned due to physical reasons (06-08) [scroll] expert analysis that the price reduction was too small (06-08) of gasoline and diesel respectively|diablo 3 power leveling, down $ 0.39 per litre and $ 0.44 | Stock market effects | Successive adjustment | Lin Bo Qiang | topic around this fall in high oil product prices modification | Oil prices or will continue downward| Pulling sales limited green city Kowloon Kuranari 2nd largest shareholder | Will sell 10 billion project | Hongwei ZHANG: to live the most important | Selected thematic NetEase finance week pictures [financial] auto group in Jiangsu Province broke down continued: oil product Super chlorine content United States 6,000 times [financial] Green City continue to "sell one's soul self" shares the wharfHK $ 5 billion of financing [financial] Canon Zhuhai require employees to long-term leave Foxconn denies Chengdu riots [financial] silver insurance business in China Construction Bank fell regardless of performance not to be punished [shares] the two outflows of 8 billion shares being the banks to buy points to [stock] SFC: restructuring share insider involved shall suspend the restructuring of listed companies [Commercial] learn from Liu brand-building the global youth unemployment highest national [commercial] 8 questions that must be asked before the venture venture capital is like a pair of power-law distribution of [financial] Central Bank rate cut millions of mortgages issued 20 36,000 fewer bonds cancel [financial] rich dating $ 40 view my site here,000 spare cash to finance activities of interest exposure pictures documentary: Revealing the secrets of Foxconn, as United States Federal Reserve System

aviation fuel price reduction to benefit domestic jet fuel price cut of 467 dollars/ton

129834176546983750_96Air season fast approaching, oil prices lower, valuation repair opportunities. Domestic macroeconomic policy easing expected to raise demand for aviation diablo iii power leveling, particularly business travel demand is expected to recover, July shuyun season about to start, opening of the Olympic Games in London in August, domestic and international routes are expected to shuyun and Olympic Games under the dual stimulation of warmed up. At the same time capacity to inject some control, guest rates and fares will be maintainedA high level. (Click to view the civil airport industry stock list) crude oil prices to fall sharply in the near future, June for Jet fuel price cut of 467 dollars/ton. While oil prices in the second half of last year continued in high shock, impact of oil price on airline performance in the second half of the year will therefore per cent flat or even be reduced. Since the beginning of the Yuan against the dollar were volatile throughout the year see volatileOr to continue. Airlines performance is expected in two or three quarter-by-quarter rebound, fell more sharply narrowed in the 1 quarter. Running from last year in the air transport sector significantly lost market, with valuation basis for repair. We believe that the opportunity to usher in the third quarter of the aviation unit valuation repair opportunity, it is recommended that before the season comes more or less involved in aviation unit, first airline recoverySupplementing larger Air China and China Eastern Airlines. Consolidation again in June prices concern port of trade opportunities. At present shipping market downturn, plate catalyst for lack of substantial increases in the short term, focusing on container transport. CSCL cumulative effects of multiple rounds of price increases since March, per cent from the second quarter company results are expected to be improved. Three quarters is expected to introduce the shipping industry to revive politicalThe policy. Current build process at the end of the shipping industry, but fundamentals should not have even worse, share prices are expected to gradually increase in performance improvement expected next.����Focus on the port plate of events and free trade concept of stimulated trading opportunities. National circulation Conference upcoming, logistics to meet the good. This year good policies for the logistics industry continued to be issued June productVery concerned about the upcoming National Conference on circulation, then see if the policy measures introduced after the meeting exceeded expectations and the extent of positive affect the short-term movements of the logistics sector.����Medium-term trend of logistics industry fundamentals are still good, recommended investors bargain-performance support for stocks. Individual stock recommendations. Air China (601,111), Eastern (600,115), Stored in shares (600,787), o Yang Shu Chang (002245), the investments of the Yangtze River (600,119), China shipping container lines (601,866), the Dalian port (601,880).����Risk: macroeconomic expected weaker market systemic risk, oil prices rose sharply, high-speed shunt, railway reform fell short of expectations. -------------------------The aviation industry: aviation fuel price reduction to benefit domestic jet fuel price cut of 467 dollars/ton: development and Reform Commission issued a notice about cut aviation fuel factory, from June 1, domestic jet fuel ex-factory price cut of 467 Yuan/ton, the adjusted, domestic aviation kerosene prices about7,850 dollars/ton. Domestic airline fuel surcharge standard cut $ 10/person, $ 20/person: starting April 1, 2012, the implementation of domestic routes passenger transportation fuel units charge a standard rate, the comprehensive cost cut of 467 domestic aviation kerosene after Yuan/ton, June 5 on domestic routes the highest charge standardCorresponding downward adjustment, of which 800 km flight from $ 80/person rounded down to $ 70/person, flight above 800 km from 150 yuan/person rounded down to $ 130 per person. Considering the price of jet fuel and domestic airline fuel surcharge reduced positive industry: balance, the domestic airlines fall in oil prices generally reduce industry 2012Between December and China Aviation oil costs about $ 4 billion, the fall in domestic fuel surcharge standard generally reduce industry from 2012 to December earnings of about $ 2.75 billion, that is, the airlines fuel surcharge reduced oil prices and domestic routes to benefit industry. Investment rating: maintain industries "overweight" rating on investment, we believe that the aviation unit in Mong KokSeason rebound opportunities exist, the main logic is: 1) link improvement of certainty, industry profits by quarter; the main impetus to seasonal factors official site, as well as quarter growth rate continued to decline in jet fuel prices, according to the current level of jet fuel prices, to the 3-quarter domestic jet fuel prices have been lower than the first quarter of 2011; 2), now the main aviation unit PBValuation levels in the 1-2 between times, at record lows, historically, only in the aviation industry in the Red cycle, PB valuation only to this level, while domestic aviation industry remains profitable period, even if the economy remains down, main airlines net worth this year and next will improve; 3), according to our study, 2011 China aviation industryMainly because of the decline in performance of freight routes and international routes have fallen sharply, currently visiting rate of global international airline cabin rally signs of stabilisation levels exist, in the case of domestic demand fell sharply, 2013 domestic periodic boom in the aviation industry is expected to improve. Risk: domestic air demand continued to decline, if oil prices continue to rise, international airlinesCable recovery than expected. (US joint)

he also had the opportunity to have the glory belongs to him

129838042640625000_281Expert: Pos should be Le Blanc won the grand final would be complete Yeah sporting June 10 report: success in winning the finals of the 7th in the Eastern war heat advancing to the finals official site, with the status of Pos is getting better and better, fans have generally agreed that he would return when the finals first. The Sun Sentinel expert IRA-Undeman interactive spoke about this issue, he also says good Pos back to first mover--ask: Pos should be against ThunderFinals: first? Taking into account the height of the Thunder, I think this makes sense. Do you think today's game if he looks ready to more fully? Undeman: from 14 minutes to 28 minutes, and 31 minutes, this is a Pos in the truce because of lower abdominal injury in his comeback after 3 weeks of growing in 3 games played. Coming from theLook, he looks ready to return to the starting lineup in the finals first. Lebulangyou Pos alternate is a unique phenomenon, "maybe for us is a very good thing," but let Pos in the finals against Eibar first returned to the first card, and let the hasilemu VS Perkins is more a case of practice. This heat canMatch the Thunder the height of. Of course, heat rely on Pos alternate this lineup has won 2 games in a row, so I'm sure we can know before the match broke out about cool answer. Q: Le Blanc had to do any other things to show that he is what we usually call the player, or basketball's top players in the field?Undeman: Yes, win a Championship. I think he would say so. Two weeks from now, Le Blanc not only to be the strongest player, he also had the opportunity to have the glory belongs to him, his fate awaits him. Q: ESPN reports that Wade is now playing with knee pain, this will be in the finals to be trouble? Undeman:Considering Wade since leaving College has been with knee pain after the war, I feel that this is not a problem. Spoke to one of my close friends with Wade today, he told me that since Wade Walker in the series once had has never smoked again after pumping water on the knee, and there is no injection of hydrocortisone or something.

Hodgson on the BBC made it clear that

129838042620781250_230Hodgson: give up the Rio if don't want to insult him make just alternate Yeah sporting June 10 report: England coach Hodgson discarded Rio Ferdinand gives a clear explanation, he said, if you call into Ferdinand but not sent him to play, is an insult to the players. Mirror: Hodgson says he is called Rio without insult to Ferdinand at Manchester United last season for players out of the injury on the shadows and show good form click here, he fellSelected for many people in the industry to understand. After Cahill Tim out of the Cup due to injury, Hodgson is still not fill in the Olympics diablo 3 power leveling, but to a small-Kelly Martin. Now, in revolt against the sound occurred. Hodgson denied because of personal animosity and frustration of Rio and Terry gave up Rio, he gave "football reasons" were France boss questions blank. A few days agoAccept the United Kingdom ITV interview, Hodgson was finally discarded Rio gives a clear explanation, "the biggest insult was to him, telling him ' here is your place but you are unlikely to play, because I want to let other people showed up. ' It seems to me that Rio Ferdinand is not called to substitute players, or as you call into the top players missing players. "" WeSelect-Kelly Martin, because I know he will be very useful to us. He was pleased to come to the national team, he knew that he participate in the European Cup is very slim. You can't go to fill players like Rio Ferdinand. "Hodgson also suggests a little, even if Rio to make just substitute. Hodgson also said, when Cahill Tim after the exit, he once wanted to fill the hotSting right Defender Kyle-Walker, but it is clear that the latter figure is not yet fully recovered. Before Ferdinand said he suspected that he probably will never be Hodgson's call. In this regard, Hodgson on the BBC made it clear that, "Ferdinand is no reason to worry about his national team in the future. ��

Saturday, June 16, 2012

1 small 1 large size ball issued. Finished morning show and cross-game TERA Gold 1 small 1 large s

129838042562187500_82Europe Cup Guide: low-loss high-water, cross game, or the tone Previous competitions there is always a tone, 2 match day can usually see about. As soon as possible to find the tone and trend very crucial points in the contest. A group of the first round, Poland under the heat was almost lost, eventually a draw both teams can be accepted Diablo 3 CD-KEY, Eastern European civil war Russia Wansheng of Czech Republic. From stock-trading, compared to the two wars Poland heat is clearly much higher than Russia, competition teamsDon't remain at 0.5 higher high water and 0/0.5 water, under the results out of the 1 on 1, 1 small 1 large size ball issued. Finished morning show and cross-game, this is a preliminary judgment, if the 2nd match day game similar to, you can basically set the tone on the bold. Group c (Spain VS Italy, and Croatia VS Ireland) and d (France VS England,Ukraine VS Sweden) first round 4 games, from looking at the sign face is absolutely meaning 55 waves. From Indonesia's main Asian distribution, Spain 0.5/1 Premium 2.08, Croatia 0/0.5 premium 2.01, France 0/0.5 premium 2.13, Ukraine 0/0.5 premium 2.16, 4 games of low lost KatakiyoColor is high water. Distribution of first round of two groups of Asia and a group similar to the first round, objectively likely to cross game. Once the Group b first round was also a crossover game, then the Group c and group d first round Lottery buyer buys may wish to watch morning show game, then waiting out evening not later than. Ball size, size of the group a first round 2 games ball index is 2, results day 1 1. Worthy of attention is, Course of action before the match is not to big ball, AR Poland battle Indonesia's main index size ball from big ball 2 was low in the water back to a big ball 1.5/2 Hyper-low water, Russia from world war I low water into a big ball in the big ball 2 TERA Gold, super high water closed. Group c and group d 4 war, apart from Ukraine VS Sweden index outside the 2/2.5 world war I, 3 2 index, the overallBouncers at least not lose. Debut in front of 3 Eastern Europe team won 1, lost 2, the rest of Croatia and Ukraine were 0/0.5, performance is also affected by hot, recommended not to join Diablo 3 gold, the current European Cup, Eastern European team has home advantage might be more suspicious. Others:

SWTOR Power Leveling - KSNO

129837985705000000_8 <a href="">SWTOR Power Leveling</a>Challenge mode-offering easy pick colony 5 challenge maps-CF-NetEase game channelafter the first batch of securities investment funds Rift CD-key after the first batch of securiti
  • what's surprising is to see the screen come from Diablo 3 power leveling what's surprising is to s
  • Rift Platinum - EAWX
  • after the first batch of securities investment funds Rift CD-key after the first batch of securiti

    129836519723281250_534Number of funds "breaking the hundred" interval number shrink to half a year to accelerate expansion In 1998, after the first batch of securities investment funds, fund number in 2008 began to improve, especially in early 2011, increase baizhi Fund every six months. At such a pace behind Fund approval process is simplified, the Fund issued the market has played an instrumental role. However, the rapid expansion in the number of the Fund to the fund industry opportunities,Holders, while bringing more investment options, can introduce innovative varieties, as well as to attract customers and good cooperative relationship between sales channels, becoming a major challenge faced by the fund companies. Number of funds to speed up dilation based on the WIND information and statistics, at the end of October 2003, public fund number 100 for the first time, before the first Fund of the intervalAbout 5 years ago. In September 2005, the number reached 200, and the previous "100" interval is reduced to 2 years thereafter within the time of less than 1.5 years, funds were added to the number 100. 2007 stock market boom and investors Fund fanatical effect, rhythm 2007 regulators for approval of new funds significantly slowed down,Until April 2008, the number rose to 400. Since then, up until May 2010, almost every other year, number of funds increased baizhi. Then accelerated again, May 2010 until December 2010, 7 months, the Fund increased from 600 to 700, after 6 months Diablo 3 CD-KEY, extending the number of funds to800. Almost next to the same frequency, total volume of funds at the end of 2011 up to 900, and is scheduled for June this year reached 1000. From a 6-year, 2-year, 1.5 years until 6 months, 1 year, per baizhi increasingly shortened intervals in which the establishment of the Fund. In this regard, insiders said, amount the rapid expansion of the Fund has many causes Diablo 3 Gold, and in recent yearsFund company team is expanding, the company product line even better, and the old are factors such as product marketing is quite difficult, but increasing efficiency of the funds approval, issued by the Fund are key factors such as pushing the process of marketization. Future market competition a fund company pointed out that, since the beginning of 2008, products from the Declaration of the Fund to get the approval process significantly reducedBecause regulators for stock products, bond funds, QDII, starting line, such as the approval of product innovation, fund companies in the past "a long drought on rain" scene began to be "intense release" rhythm of the place. "In the past the industry calls for market-oriented, but when the market more and more close to us, many companies may be found notAll ready. "Another fund, who said. He pointed out that, due to the approval of the Fund to speed up and the same schedule of issue increased the number of Fund products, channels, marketing Rift CD-key, customer and investment research officer of resource competition is increasingly fierce, even many banks encourage customers to "old buy new redemption" circles, many fund companies feel pressure heavy. However, the personsAgreed that the approval of the Fund to speed up, the Fund issued more marketing trends is no barrier, but also for the development of an industry, excessive protection and control is difficult to bring about a truly powerful. He pointed out that, in May this year the SFC begin to open to the public for comments, proposed amendments to the securities investment fund management rules, modify the content-involved allow fund companies in the sameWhen multiple applications for fund raising. Overall, the fund companies faced with such a trend, from product innovation and development, and other aspects to meet future competition situations. Others:

    what's surprising is to see the screen come from Diablo 3 power leveling what's surprising is to s

    129823442401562500_237In 2012, the story in the wall art "IT168 information" 2012 VIII session China (Shenzhen) international culture industry Expo fair (following short text Bo will) ya figure Pavilion Hall within, has side of does not rules ash black main tone wall, wall Shang hanging with five a geometry party body, party body is a Zhang white of projection curtain, overall long about 80CM, wide about 60CM, picture Shang constantly to play with on yaMany types of video, at first is LCD TV, a closer look found black squares are white projection screen, what's surprising is to see the screen come from? Diablo 3 power leveling, Acto people is by means of a projection u disk and projector combination, so as to quickly make data to a projection screen, and make the video appear more clear and full. The main story wall shows Acto people not afraid of difficulties,To execute business development spirit and elegance of powerful independent innovation and technology research and development and strategic planning, vision, Acto people want Expo this platform, to the projector as a carrier, to show the audience a stereo Acto. Acto cultural showcase Acto cultural stories story wall wall wall display showcase Acto cultural stories as far as I understand, in order to achieve a satisfactoryLight and shadow effects, Acto story wall using yatto 2012 new PL410 projector products, is the use of rear-projection perfect picture content played out the way, the product using the latest light LED, physical resolution of WXGA 1200*800 (same as the mainstream PC, DVD resolution), Display PanEl display technology, brightness 600lm, weight 1.5kg, service life of approximately 50,000 hours (compared to traditional projectors, Acto PL410 LED light's greatest strength is that does not require frequent replacement bulbs, users in the process totally worry-free projector lamp problems of loss). In addition, Acto PL410 LED newAfter the light source projector are connected to related data, without having to manually resize the picture, it can automatically intelligently and efficiently and easily restore picture perfect display effect. The machine can be used for conference rooms, family shows, and other places. Yatto yatto LED light source projector new 2012 2012 new LED lighting projectors yatto story full of twists and turns and wonderful is not aOdd, because legend has always been the fact of fiction plus a small amount ofExpo ad hoc wall showing the story of tell yatto brand development is not just a story, nor simply tells yatto PL410 series 2012 new projector projector, but PL410 series projectors as a carrier, brand cultural story features, the synthesis of an art of expression tells peopleIndependent research and development company with core technology advantages of China's national brand of projector, skin in the output any of the culture of ethnic groups in China. Yatto advocate more Chinese national brands, play to the wisdom of the brain TERA Power Leveling, active and innovative SWTOR Credits, world of the early realization of China's economic takeoff. Ya graphic Expo exhibition stalls Others:

    Rift Platinum - EAWX

    129836407493437500_46Pudding Hotel completes $ 55 million second round of financing A economical chain hotel again access to finance Rift CD-key, pudding hotel chain has announced that their access to Fidelity Investments (Fidelity Ventures), the Grand Alliance capital (formerly legend), KTB, mogenkairui capital (Morgan Creek), built five of us $ 55 million of investment promotion agencies, capital injection. At present, theSmall hotel chain in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Xian, in 26 cities with nearly 200 stores. This is pudding Hotel second financing, financing and system construction, and will be used for future expansion. Industry analysts believe that, since the beginning of 2010, the hotel industry investment has begun to slowly recede, investors have reduced the profits expected in the hotel industry Diablo 3 gold,Began widespread reduction of investment in the industry, pudding hotel chain of the finance industry capital of winter or a modified status quo. Tourism Research Institute report showed that since beginning of this year, China Hotel volume growth has been slow, first quarter of 2012, domestic-star hotel only 39 of the opening, the total number of rooms to 9,786 (sets) Rift Platinum, goes through the quarter openingMinimum value of the number. Others:

    Wednesday, June 13, 2012

    deterioration of the economic environment wow cd-key deterioration of the economic environment - A

    129835668832187500_570Panasonic TV is not in list of energy subsidies raised again the industry speculation Recently, the 2012 "Huimin engineering, energy-saving products" flat-panel TV promotion business directory published a few days ago, 15 companies 1460 TV model finalists. As the TV industry veteran Panasonic does not list of famous enterprises, experts speculate about this Panasonic color TV's recent poor performance, and current Japanese household appliances relevant collective recession. China economic NET this reporter had an interview with PanasonicElectric (China) people, but reporters until the deadline, have not yet received a reply. Without industry energy conservation subsidies raised speculation for why not to enter the list of energy subsidies, some analysts believe that might is not up to our standard. It is reported that this round of subsidies on products are almost demanding requirements of energy saving, only the level of energy efficiency and energy efficiency index reached the level of 1.7 and above LCDAs the parties receive subsidies, according to the dimensional reference checks show, are currently able to reach this level of product market share of only 10%. It is understood the wave energy-saving home appliances subsidies take the form of financial subsidies to the home appliance manufacturer, appliance manufacturers and home appliance stores to cut subsidies to consumers in the form of, but payments by the enterprises first advance, and by theMinistry audit to the businesses after reunification. The industry believes, that some manufacturers will bring pressure on cash flow. Panasonic and poor results in recent years may be the "invisible barriers" on the outside. Traditionally, Panasonic has been the leading brand of TV business, but in recent years the most embarrassing is the television set sales. Panasonic's 2011 fiscal year net loss amounted to 772.1 billion yen and expected TV sales this year will fall from last year's 17 million to 15.5 million, or will remain on the television business losses. Scenery TV or no longer be squeezed out by appreciation of the yen, Japan earthquake, European debt crisis, specializing in consumer electronics market demand, Panasonic losses dragged down the main factors, at the same time in the China market spaceIs continuously compressed, and past brilliant scenery of Panasonic no longer. Media analysis said before, currently on the market in China, TCL, KONKA, CHANGHONG, Skyworth, Hisense, Haier, combined market share of domestic brands have occupied more than half of the market, among the foreign share of Korean brands such as Samsung, LG and firmly occupy the dominant position. In addition to manufacturing, distributionCost advantages, reaction speed of the Panasonic 3D TV TERA Gold, smart TV much less domestic brand, gradually losing market right. As one or two cities sales falling demand in the market, San��siji market is seen as the future market growth, but this segment of the market is firm control by domestic brands. Panasonic Plasma Panel as the most faithful advocates of this year sharply downPlasma TV shipments adjusting goals and fall in 2011 from 5.7 million to 2.5 million units this year, reduced size of more than half. Matsushita said that due to the scale of supply chains has done little, together with more established LCD manufacturing costs fall in product and technology catch up, were further marginalized by plasma TV. Blame product strategy is questioned the huge lossesLiu Buchen industry experts have said in a media interview, analysis of Panasonic causes of loss, deterioration of the economic environment, are factors which must be taken into account, but even more important is that Panasonic did not adjust their product strategy for many years, only lead to a sharp decline in its share of the TV market. Liu Buchen believes that times persisted in plasma Panasonic flat panel TV, and put it on theVery important strategic position SWTOR Power Leveling, we all know that plasma is not precisely the mainstream flat panel TV, and Panasonic has not adjusted. However, Panasonic is not out of the traditional concept of natural, excess to the TV business investment. Last month by the President Ohtsubo of Panasonic company admits in the description, Panasonic there is excess investment in traditional flat-screen TV, in realAfter the effects of massive investment, affected by the financial crisis and the effects of exchange rate changes, overcapacity led to no real benefit. Worthy of note is that Panasonic shouted "no Chinese market, there are no Panasonic" slogan TERA Power Leveling, but its business strategy in China as no change has been made. "China market product suitable for China's needs, Panasonic China madeNone of the suggestions or comments, to be approved by Headquarters. Such a long chain of decision-making, does not adapt to the market situation. "Liu Buchen. Others:

    06-05 TERA CD-key 06-05 - QOYM

    129833943181562500_349Ministry of environmental protection by Chinese nuclear market trial [Scroll] European stocks were mixed sight Greece stock index tumbled 5.09% (06-06) [scroll] Germany Frankfurt DAX index on June 5 by 0.15% (06-06) [scroll] Paris CAC40 indices on June 5, trading closed at 2986.1(06-06) [rolling]IPO termination of audit companies mostly in the feedback stage evacuation (06-06) [scroll] China's banking industry last year factoring record of 2.24 trillion (06-06) [scroll]10 cities residential turnover hit a nearly 16-month high(06-06) [Scroll] China will introduce private investment rules for the new article 36 in the first half (06-05) [scroll] national meeting to discuss solutions to the food crisis in West Africa (06-05) [scroll] shell network CEO Ji Shisan: success is waiting (06-05) [scroll] China investment is still an important aspect of expanding domestic demand (06-05) [scroll] June 5 TERA Gold, 2012 financial news list (06-05) [scroll] China investment is still an important aspect of expanding domestic demand (06-05) [Scroll] Li keqiang: biodiversity conservation and strengthening scientific and rational use (06-05) [rolling]ST United real controller changed Ming Fu (06-05) [scroll] pengling shares in three companies TERA CD-key, including on the proposed Venture Board (06-05) [scroll]War blame to blame the Government subsidies (06-05) [scroll] interpretation of NetEase 532: electricity price wars to blame the Government subsidies (06-05) [scroll] Russia not Iran negotiating construction of Bushehr nuclear power plant second unit problem (06-05) [scroll] Taikang errorsSell is ticketed by Insurance Bureau of Chongqing (06-05) [scroll] May national home appliances to the countryside before product sales grew by 4.4% (06-05) [scroll] experts in the eyes of the wage distribution, and employment and social security (06-05) [scroll] teamed up Qingdao Beer SuntoryConsolidated beer business in Jiangsu Diablo 3 Gold, Shanghai (06-05) [scroll] stocks lower on Tuesday the Dow dropped slightly to 0.09% (06-05) [scroll] regulator: 2.24 trillion last year China Banking factoring (06-05) [scroll] jingneng shareholders injected 9200 million coal power assets to be 1.4 billion of additional shares (06-05) [scroll] sky assets reorganization of business for April, making the purchase of additional 16 billion of assets (06-05) [scroll] fashion changed text record (06-05) [scroll] Zhuhai's hengqin major projects under construction are not affected byEconomic trends affecting the outside world (06-05) [scroll] Indonesian commitment to slash greenhouse gas emissions (06-05) [scroll] Bank level 20 billion debt issued by the people's Bank of China Banking Regulatory Commission and approved (06-05) [scroll] on June 6 bilateral framework of the activities of the Summit schedule(06-05) [Scroll] Niu Wenxin: China cannot give up the competing capital (06-05) [scroll] the editor in Chief of Vogue COSMO way Xu: fashion requires industrial environmental support (06-05) [scroll] Eaton is expected to 2012 completed acquisition of Cooper industries (06-05) [scroll] East field founder Li Dongtian: boss should not ignore branding to make money (06-05) [scroll] eggs half moon rises near 20% in Hainan price each kilo of 6 or more (06-05) [scroll] party designer Gao Yijing: startups are doing something likeValue (06-05) [scroll] gorgeous: only the greatest consumers can have a great brand (06-05) [scroll] stands on the shoulders of Giants �C grass-roots NGO's venture mentor text record (06-05) [scroll] Wang Lao JI pre collection of Guangzhou pharmaceutical red tank-MarketWatch(06-05) emphasized that never waver in upholding the policies | Strict enforcement of the restriction of | Overall in the expected direction of the property market around the tuning frequency synthesizer | 54 city commercial House transaction after restriction of high | Developer inventory sold in November [CPI increase forecast]5 months 3.2%| New credit 732500 million | PPI drop 1.2%| May consumption increased 14.2% before Spain coal miners strike [financial] stagnation of China vanke: developer Outlook not optimistic enough inventory to sell 11 months [financial] King disputes along reconstruction progress outside card said it had received a subpoena [financial] State-owned enterprises in Tianjin is exposes as private-sector debts caused byLoss of State assets of over 2 billion [monetary] five senior executives earn more than 1.6 million positive of China insurance regulatory Commission to promote marketing [stock] Xiamen tungsten industry investment of 2 billion out of the 300 billion of the world's largest tungsten mine was born [stock] evaporation 735.7 billion a-shares on the a-share market day, full of the broken end of 998 [commercial] Internet competition: more control out of businessHome: Volvo charging through the [commercial] separation of the top 500 18 woman CEO Maxim Regal 7: nude donated the most ingenious [financial] used car vehicle, bank employee: no deposit resource bank [banking] network pool of monthly income of $ brokerages: brokerage reduced and shareholders independent Xiamen tungsten co found the largest tungsten mine in 2011 United States top ten funds Others:

    ' shopping ' from the bus on the door go off again after the conclusion. http Rift Platinum ' shop

    129835668852968750_623Tourists last year in the United States per capita consumption of $ 5,271 NetEase finance (/26) forwarded to the micro-Bo of China "rich" were not universally condemned at home, also a growing social disdain for the global norm, the luxury of expensive cars are signs of their contemptible. Recently, in New Zealand, you end up with some Chinese students to buy luxury cars has becomeLocal gossip news. A TV station in an interview when local BMW, Porsche or Mercedes-Benz Dealer, they grin and laugh. New Zealand Chinese students study show vehicle. A BMW dealer said: these children just like cars, there are several buy one every two or three months, a child studying abroad for less than one year, just bought a Z5 convertible sports car, A BMW M3 and a X5 Jeep. a BMW dealer said: these children just like cars, there are several buy one every two or three months, a child studying abroad for less than one year, just bought a Z5 convertible sports car, a BMW M3 and a X5 Jeep. the dealer especially surprised the Chinese students of payment: "they generally do not have a credit card, and almost never hire. A young student trustee to buyer to a suitcase, he said that there are 150,000 dollars in cash. I was counted out by two shop assistants in the shop. Oh my God Rift Platinum, Which is the maximum cash that we've ever seen! �� http://img3.cache.netease.cOm/photo/0025/2012-05-21/t_8222NF9150ST0025.jpg China's "Regal" are not universally condemned at home, also a growing social disdain for the global norm, the luxury of expensive cars are signs of their contemptible. It is no wonder that when talking about the kidnapping of young master of a rich family in China, one of the new WestBlue Chinese women open lens says two words: "deserved it! �� http://img3.cache.netease. Com/photo/0025/2012-05-21/t_8222NFA550ST0025.jpg Chinese students are so money, led by local industries came into being two classes: one is for international students "do"--because these students have every luxury, performance was poor and many gold, agency "escortDone, make money. " reporter interviewed an intermediary purchase, a childlike did not take off voice answering machine screen says: "I have two English learning achievement is c, a is b, can you help me with a, extended a delay, please? I would like to do some, money is not an issue. "" The rich dandy "Sources often are Beijing and Northeast China. think that year, foreigners come to China, Chinese culture is the CAP, full of mystery and worship. Today, we sprinkle a lot of money in Paris, when sprinkled in the world of luxury establishments in New York crazy waste of time, we have beenThe eyes of the world. "Buddha" made by the survey, customers like to buy goods in China in order: watches, jewellery, leather goods, perfume TERA CD-key, fashion. all, a look of richChild, walks are justly. cry out to peers, constantly calling in a loud voice, also loudly questioned the other end of the phone a friend, Hello, I am now in the shop, what do you want more money perfume? new to thousands of dollars, would you like? shopping guide for 012-05-21/8222NFFD50ST0025.jpg ZhoumI said, usually receive customer 80% is Chinese, and consumption are strong. The momentum. as if people in Liujiayao flea market or the old red door furniture store., Louis Vuitton and Chanel are like a pair of ragged people casually carrying. compatriots are full of power and grandeur, and heroically when shopping abroad has to be admired in a few minutes. some popular styles have also become China's customers "site-directed against" object restriction measures had been taken on this part of the business. in recent years, groups of customers in China has become the "Buddha" a King. Many Chinese customersReflect, shopping here feels like a return to the country. Give the Chinese customer rebate points are Chinese customer's crazy influx significantly beyond the Mall reception capacity, rest areas are often overcrowded. January 4, 2012, a shop on the door type "shopping duty free, Chinese translation" of advertising. "they are always buses to go in through the back door of a spot open for Chinese, ' shopping ' from the bus on the door go off again after the conclusion. rebate points near the end of a group of Chinese customers sitting on the stairs of the shopping, picture show. a play of Chinese shops in the window advertising. customers seeking cheap Chinese consumer habits to some illegal vendors bring business opportunities. http://img4.cache. and even Chinese customers began to complain that "too many Chinese people here! "" Buddha "rich years every year according to Chinese custom in traditional dress shopping centre. Chen Yang is Australia for a famous students of the preparatory school, now studying at the University of Sydney, before their summer holiday in Hangzhou, contact him on QQ and domestic students say, preparatory course for study abroad students living in the country it is hard to imagine when. Chen Yang said, with 2009 shocking piece of news on the Internet is somewhat similar to: "the newCyrin student prostitution to buy LV bags ". The truth once he was startled, these few parents know the truth. But this is a preparatory course for someone experiencing the real life. In more than half of the students are from schools in China, Chen Yang discovered a spectacular sight: a walk across campus, male and female, carry one, carry, from the "reverse" to "Checkerboard" eyefulIs the LV bags, many of them expensive limited editions (in particular: most are genuine). Chen Yang understanding of "four-valve" classic patterns Diablo 3 Gold, at the national level, by representatives of this is a luxury, a LV bag worth $ or more., we have a student carrying LV afterCustoms, woman wasn't asking how much money his LV bag, after they heard that a $ 1800, once joked, "you had the money, I want to marry you." buy LV jpg Chen Yang said special reasons, maybe the trend is perhaps empty and boring. Maybe have two backgroundIt is worth noting that: first, can send their children to study abroad, most came from "non-official that rich" families and secondly, even civilian homes, for fear that the child would suffer, always do all we can to provide financial support. A mark of wealth not just LV. I had a classmate, buy Mercedes-Benz for the first year, second year, got a new BMW. Friends, bought a car there are plenty of people, Hummer is common, open BentleyThere are. girl in class makeup, smoked makeup is not too exaggerated, Suyan Basic is missing. Empty the top shopping malls in Australia, there is always a group of Chinese students in selected cosmetics, including the Lamer (la mer, more upscale than the Lanc?me cosmetics, a bottle of cream over 10,000).Many girls bite will buy or overdrawn their dowry in advance or on the front for a boyfriend to eat for living, using the money saved to buy things., a shake-out in the books written by the editors of CCTV he kept blasting messages: New Zealand student prostitution to buy LV bag. Some massSuspect this is true, Chen Yang was boring. He there is no lack of alumni, and of course a few. More common is the word: casinos, brothels, gangs, homosexuality, and all are open to the public, or even legitimate. gambling was legal in Australia, I heard matriculation class has a student nightGamble lost 500,000, this is one of the few. Once in play for a short while there have been many. Experience, some people may find the gang solve that triad students also received protection money from younger brother. Pornography is legal, advertising newspapers, failing. Some prostitutes in the circle of friends. Female prostitutes are not exaggerated. But I've never seen a Chinese do this. "because you're lonely, you need friends, can't be a person you know, so you move to a circle. "Good grades are divided into circles, play does not play cart, different circles used brand name different circles, circle is gay. "The so-called circle, there is very little, have specific abstract,There is some common ground, a friend of a friend can be chained together, and then engaged in some specific things, such as fishing, playing cards, travel, shopping, nightclubs, drag racing, good or bad. "It is said that Chen Yang's preparatory school originally only one floor, and later in intermediary well in China, continue to send incoming students filled with four layers. Now more than half of the schoolInternational students are Chinese. Others simply stayed in Australia after graduating from prep school. United States Department of Commerce travel and Tourism Office 2011 international visitor consumption report released yesterday. Reports show, 2011 per capita spending of visitors to the United States in mainland ChinaUnited States ranked in the top ten tourist markets, United States Department of Commerce Symposium recently how to better attract the Chinese passengers. Reported preliminary data show that visitors to America last year 1,089,405 people in mainland China, 5.743 billion dollars the total consumption, ranked 7th, but tourist consumption per capita of about US $ 5,271, in the top 10 in the tourism market is peopleCountries with the highest consumption. In 2010, the per capita spending of visitors to the United States only in mainland China is more than more than 3,000 dollars. To 36% per cent growth rate in mainland China, becoming United States tourism market one of the fastest growth rates in the State. United States Department of Commerce that, in the next 5 years, China is expected to be about half the number 200% to the United States, in 2016, more than France and Germany to the US tourNumber of guests. This means on United States economic recovery contributed great, so competition for China's outbound tourism market, as Obama to push "national export initiative" important part of goal of the plan is that in 2015, the United States exports doubled. Under the guidance of this policy, United States East Coast time, the China business information center to be held June 21Webinar topics how to attract Chinese tourists. 2011 United States top ten tourism market consumption per capita (in us $) 10 Mexico 698 9 Canada 1139 8 France 3,120 7 Korea 3,353 6 United Kingdom 3,447 5 Germany 3613 4 Australia 3,613 3 Brazil 4,487 5,126 1 China 5271[scroll] Executive spectrum but they asked the Central Fund (06-08) [scroll] big bank blast billion yuan in Wenzhou private lending increase of 90% compared (06-08) [scroll] euro-zone banking sector at stake (06-08) [scroll] Delian group contrary to the dividends promised was pulling financial management techniques of regulatory arbitrage (06-08) [scroll] continued to strengthen market integrity legal construction in Shanghai Stock Exchange (06-08) [scroll]Conch cement performance in the first half more than 50% (06-08) [scroll] the release focused on pollution in Guangdong environmental protection credit list of nonfemet is bright yellow (06-08) [scroll] solvency of insurance reform started 13 project group was established during the year (06-08) [scroll]Yantai Bank Executive changes in the collective (06-08) [scroll] Liu Yuting: reforming State-owned enterprises need to increase the intensity of asset appraisal services (06-08) [scroll] 4 months before the Shougang steel moved more than 200 million yuan in profits (06-08) [scroll] push the futures company's asset management business is expected in July(06-08) [scroll] Xie xuren: improvement of structural tax relief efforts to expand consumer demand (06-08) [scroll] next week lifted per cent drop in the market value of about 10% (06-08) [scroll] futures company lifted its asset management business (06-086) [scroll] floating deposit interest rate ceiling for the first time opened (06-08) [scroll] interpretation of NetEase 534: collection of housing vacancy tax do not fly! (06-08) [Scroll] Fitch downgraded Spain's credit rating one step away from junk (06-08) [scroll] According to the State Council for sustainable development should build 3 security line (06-08) [scroll] shuanghui development shuanghui chilled meat sample product examination qualified (06-08) [scroll], Chairman of the Fund said more optimistic about China's economic disintegration of the eurozone risks (06-08) [rollingFixed] Australia's unemployment rate rose slightly to 5.1% increase in full-time jobs employment opportunities (06-08) [scroll] analysis of China's central bank interest rate cuts boost stock markets in Europe and America that short-term positive a-share (06-08) [scroll] Beijing June gains a strong student-housing rent rent (06-08: 14) [scroll] Fitch: If there are no credible fiscal plan United States or downgrade (06-08) [scroll] finance: fighting for asset evaluation method as soon as possible (06-08) [scroll] Declaration of the States members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (06-08) [scroll] European stocks Thursday closedLine up Greece stock indexes rose 3.09% (06-08) [scroll] Spain can hold? Seen before the end of June (06-07) [scroll] reduce deficits cannot sacrifice economic growth (06-07) [scroll] three-year debt maturing local debt to borrow new or old (06-07) [scroll] bond deal with financial woes in Hubei Province (06-07) [scroll] "Delta" weathervane "salt mountains" substantive cooperation (06-07) [scroll] battle for Zhejiang foreign trade: export growth for the year 10% (06-07) [Scroll] economy slowed sharply reduced electricity consumption gap (06-07) [scroll] end of June deadline to railway "Yuan" surrender of staggering Sprint (06-07) [scroll] new Lakes of Shanxi coal bosses (06-07) [scroll] single 1.3 trillion of fundsInto Fujian power of "haixi" construction of major projects (06-07) [scroll] Lu Tai a plan to buy back up to 100 million b-shares out the resumption of (06-07) [scroll] global food prices fell sharply in May (06-07) [key] deposit interest rate spreadTo benchmark 1.1 times times | Loans to construction of 0.8 times times | Previous rate cuts | Topics [Analysis] interest rate marketization degree to further advance | Interest rate cuts for steady growth | First drop of 3.5 years | Micro-heat on the banking crisis there is still no solution | Group of seven emergency Spain | Moody's downgraded German bank in Guangdong ProvinceHuizhou seized 11 tonnes of salt [financial] baotou developer 700 million debt died allegedly as a result of bad real estate sales [finance] before building up 5,000 approximation control of Beijing China railway electrification Bureau boss Lok Ma [financial] Zhejiang jiangshan credit crisis the Government civil service, deep into [financial] Bank of Shanghai steel trade and money tight support livelihood dry upCommercial broker [stock] CCB reveals an individual made great contribution to China's capital market [stock] shares the second half blood or the billions of Chinese nuclear power intends to finance 16 billion [commercial] Li Shanyou: foreign executives afraid to venture capital, Yahoo: self-help continued confusion in the [business] inventory of Huawei's top ten class Apple mode can save Sony entrepreneurship [finance]Extended 5 year age pensioners can increase income over 70% users against [financial] foreign financial earnings skyrocketed up to 10% for revealing the secrets of buying a BMW to take venture capital gold United States Federal Reserve members [China] interview with Dong Fan Others:

    [scroll] PHS base station signals across the country were gradually dismantled SWTOR CD-key [scrol

    129836407494062500_47 <a href="">SWTOR CD-key</a>Unified complete social media marketing companies raised $ 14 million NetEase tech news on June 8, according to foreign media reports, while shares of Facebook series of setbacks, but market enthusiasm for social network advertising platform is still unabated. Helping brands and businesses use social networks to promote Unified venture company today announced that it has successfully completed the size of us $ 14 million round of financing. Responsible for the vote in this round of financingFounder of Advance Publications is the investor of the company Kangde·nasite (Cond é Nast), other investors include Silicon Valley Bank, and so on. Unified was established just one year. Main business of the company is to help businesses in Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpoN, LinkedIn, YouTube, and other social interaction platform purchase, implementation and management of a media campaign, and so on. In the past year, Unified has successfully helped more than 200 customers for publicity and promotion. Unified past clients include Microsoft, General Electric, BMW, Samsung, Nestle, TransUnion and Deutsche Bank, And so on. Though established only a year, but turnover has reached tens of millions of dollars of complete Unified Platform scale. Unified spokesman said in an interview: "the company has achieved tens of millions of dollars in revenue. "Unified the two office buildings Diablo 3 Gold, which are located in United States in San Francisco and New York City. Total of 26 employees of the company. As of now,Company's total raised $ 15.6 million. As a recent financing conditions, Advance Publications Senior Vice President of corporate development andelu·xigeer (Andrew Siegel) will join the Unified, became member of the Board. (Lu Xin) [scroll] "Apple" dimensionAccused of domineering articles: get a new machine is only half a year warranty (06-08) [scroll] COLOURlovers creative design buy platform raised $ 1.3 million (06-08) [rolling]Lumia this book at $ 4 Rift Platinum,599 for 900 shipped around 13th (06-08) [scroll] give Google a chance to submit remedial programmes of the European Union ends antitrust investigation (06-08) [scroll] traditional business and B2C site "out of pocket" promotion (06-08) [scroll] revolutionary Liu Qingfeng (06-08) [scroll]-North:Product description itself (06-08) [scroll] Olympus cut 2,700 jobs before March 2014 (06-08) [scroll] Unicom and ZTE to launch first Windows Phone handsets (06-08) [scroll] AlibabaDisclose progress against corruption: investigate violations 27 employees (06-08) [scroll] Olympus plans to cut 2,700 jobs before March 2014 (06-08) [scroll] rice Disney dream of Wang Hai (06-08) [scroll] Internet holding warmth: "married" alignmentDrive capital arranged marriages (06-08) [scroll] US judge dismisses Apple temporarily Motorola mutual patent infringement litigation (06-08) [scroll] Apple paid $ 2.25 million settlement in Australia exaggerated propaganda 4G lawsuit (06-08) [scroll] Jingdong Mall denied fired hundreds ofStaff counsel out only 9 (06-08) [scroll] Qatar Telecom and Vodafone implementation before the end of this year to bring the local number portability (06-08) [rolling]Facebook launch App Center Application Center (06-08) [scroll] sharp plan 2014-outs its LCD manufacturing business (06-08) [scroll] Taobao requested books such operators shall permit holders (06-08) [rolling]Twitter a business restructuring: divided into three sectors (06-08) [rolling]TCL Group MayLCD TV sales up by 82.2% (06-08) [scroll] best buy founder and Chairman Mr Schulz announced his resignation (06-08) [scroll] US mobile carriers intended for use collective push free to ensure that user fees (06-08) [scroll] Ministry Vice Minister Liu LiChina was elected President of the China Association of communication enterprises (06-08) [scroll] Google to launch its first Android Tablet by the end of this month (06-08) [scroll] Ministry: increased TD-LTE scale test city (06-08) [scroll] coupon or turn profitPoints: year 2000 Group buys site out (06-08) [scroll] how to work with Steve Jobs (06-08) [rolling]Facebook Launches Application Center to establish the main partners (06-08) [scroll] Hongwei Zhou: NobodyMicro innovations (06-08) [scroll] 0.15% close to the buy-back price Alibaba dropped slightly in the last session (06-08) [scroll] youdao dictionary Win8 Edition on the line of the day more than 6,000 downloads (06-08) [scroll] missing operating system in China and the Terminal chipsVoice (06-08) [scroll] MA: Alibaba group will be listed in 5 years (06-08) [scroll] Apple opens direct store in Shenzhen and Chengdu schemes approved by the Government (06-08) [scroll] PHS base station signals across the country were gradually dismantled(06-08) [Scroll] YouTube to the Afro-Asian 64 countries live games (06-08) [scroll] Google maps into the 3D era China no upgrade "timetable" (06-08) [scroll] he proposed that taxes for the rich (06-08) parts business status | Investment of 1.9 billion to build chip production line | Appoints new CEO to Apple mobile phone business: intelligent machines a quarter leapt to the top | Relies heavily on Android | Bada will be discarded system review: Ali nearly half held by $ 7.1 billion to buy back Yahoo stake | Comments: Ma three trouble revealing the secrets of computer city renovation market news "Apple" maintenance provisions are arbitrary: get a new machine center for only half a year warranty news Facebook application launched 900 million users will have a new search tool highlights the company's restructuring store brands promotion will take down the schema field news Apple announced next weekPre-installed Baidu search iPhone News rush open platform: flow distribution problems with the internal management of the Internet company fell slightly in the last session of 0.15% close to the buy-back price Internet mobile Internet investment slowed sharply in early 2012 Internet coupon or profit inflection point: year 2000 Group buys site outCommunication Lumia 900 this book at $ 4,599 ZTE to ship around 13th communications with China Unicom to launch first Windows Phone mobile phones Motorola communications United States judge for the time being rejected Apple patent infringement litigation between IT's industry Olympus until March 2014 to cut 2,700 jobs IT industryBest buy's founder and Chairman, Schultz resigned IT industry-Google to launch its first Android Tablet by the end of this month have rear window | Jack Ma, why is the word on page on tour? Grand launch Smartphone Nike running shoes WPhone wudaokou Salon is the connection application Others:

    screw-thread steel prices or go down. My net monitoring data show wow power leveling screw-thread

    129834178874483750_38Screw-down pressure According to my net Premarket forecasting shows that screw-thread steel relations failed to improve market supply and demand, market turnover remained thin, in situations of internal macro-the lack of a strong support, screw-thread steel prices or go down. My net monitoring data show, 4th in 25 major markets nationwide average price of threaded steel fell, HRB400 20MM screwPrice $ 4,248/ton Diablo 3 Gold, compared with the previous trading day prices dropped by 4 Yuan/ton. Under the influence of international market crash last weekend Rift Platinum, internally threaded steel futures showed a significant decline yesterday, on screw-thread steel hit the spot. Market mentality to slip again, merchant shipping difficulties increase, overall deal is not ideal, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing, or a small fall in prices wow power leveling, or dark drop. ShortMarkets vulnerable again. At the same time, domestic steel market continued decline, Tangshan, Shanxi and other small local stock prices extended last week, or further drag down the market price. In front of the macroeconomic data released this weekend, strong positive domestic policy less likely, overnight outside the weak performance of plate, screw steel market as a whole, or continue down. Others:

    Monday, June 11, 2012

    Apple bought Canada Poly9 online mapping company TERA Gold Apple bought Canada Poly9 online mappin

    129828564419531250_165Photos: iOS 6 comes with map screenshot exposure abandoning Google map For some time, Apple has been revealed of the intention to split from the iOS Google maps, rumours have been reported before Apple abandoned iOS6 when launching Google maps directly in iOS6 built in Apple's own maps service. According to foreign website BGR today reported that sources out of a suspected iOS screenshot 6 comes with maps, todayBGR abroad website was first published a few pieces of Apple iOS 6 map rendering, and iOS 6 will give up using Google maps, and with their revolutionary 3D maps. According to BGR iOS of Apple is using the Build number is 10A3XX 6 Test Map 3D features. From the screenshot, you can see that the maps application to use a newUser interface design, joined the unity navigation bar with the color scheme of the iOS system. Moreover this application should also support 3D map mode, button allows users to switch between 3D mode and in normal mode. In the past few years wow power leveling, Apple bought a number of map makers in a row. In 2009, Apple has quietly bought a map service provider PlacebaSe, the company's product and is similar to Google maps, after the takeover TERA Gold, Placebase CEO, has joined Apple in 2010, Apple bought Canada Poly9 online mapping company, city map of this company is to provide users with high resolution, they have the technology to provide real-time location data, the data not onlyLongitude, still includes altitude. The end of 2011, Apple bought Sweden C3 technology companies, the company is committed to producing high-precision 3D maps, they are using a partial decryption technology developed for the missile guidance system. Compare with Google maps, map of C3 is a full 360 degree Visual SWTOR Power Leveling, maps of all the buildings, objects, treesTo road signs are in 3D. In order to make a 3D map, C3 companies use a plane to take aerial city images, and then use their original algorithms to generate a relief map. Others:

    02 09 11 12 14 15 1923 blue ball 27 28 30 32 12 Diablo 3 gold 02 09 11 12 14 15 1923 blue ball 27

    129823466922500000_192[Effect of Maili] shuangse Qiu 060 tail analysis: mantissa 2 road to strengthen Winning the previous issue: 04 13 21 22 26 31 Diablo 3 gold, mantissa is 1:2:3 red ball 201 road, 2 concerns strengthening the big tail codes for the current period. Shuangse Qiu 060 tail analysis 2-way digital analysis: issue number 22 on almost 5 end of the road, a digitally operated a total of 5 yards, 2 only 1 yard Diablo 3 power leveling, 5 3 yards8 out of the 1. The mantissa 2 channel-tail code concern to strengthen, it is recommended that attention to the 3 best, reference 2 02 12 and 5 codes 15 and 8 yards in 28. Recommended: 02 12 28 32. 0 digital analysis: issue number 13 on 26; 5 0 a digitally operated a total of 12 yards, 0 only 2 yards3 out of the 4, 6 out of 5 yards, 9 out of the 1. 0 code pay attention to the stability of big, good 2, 30 and 3 reference 0 code code 23 against 9 09 at 19. Recommended 09 19 30. 1 digital analysis: issue number 04 21 on almost 5 1 channel a digitally operated a total of 13Code, 1 out of 5 yards, 4 out of the 5 yards, 7 yards out of the 3 codes. 1-channel digital note reduced this period big, reference 1 best, focus on the tail-1 codes 11 and 4 yards in 14 big anti-7 yards in 27. Recommendation 11 14. 12,060th shuangse Qiu period recommended red ball: 02 09 11 12 14 15 1923 blue ball 27 28 30 32 12,060th shuangse Qiu period recommended: 07 08 11 14 12,060th shuangse Qiu period featured a note: 04 17 20 22 31 (personal opinion TERA Gold, for reference only) Others:

    Croatia border. Last game TERA Power Leveling Croatia border. Last game - GMSA

    129828577713906250_110European Cup four simulation game "France" made the most wide scores Yeah sporting May 30: after last week to decide eight team, media by the South cluster · nets, Football Association of Guangdong Province in the South, finance simulation of City Club co-hosted the European Cup game yesterday was a cruel one-fourth of the knockout stages. Both teams came to the early Jin GE (micro-blogging) soccer Park for warm up, after more than a week to adjust players ' mental state isNot bad. Unfortunately, God still does not help, cloudy skies let people feeling: could it be that God will rain come again? The first game by the Netherlands against Spain, both sides began to play more conservative, repressive enough. Netherlands team to take a free kick chance to THUMP break, opening five minutes only one goal lead. Impasse be broken soon, heavy rain was killed, both sides in the rain playIs very difficult. Spain also by virtue of free kicks before the final banping team dramatically scores into the fierce shootout between the two sides. As the Netherlands team third place team a penalty shoot out SWTOR Credits, Spain penalty shoot-out victory 3:2 Netherlands lead to promotion. Started in late game, Denmark team by a score of 2:1 eliminated Poland team. At 10 minutes, Denmark after the front cutStraight on the road with the team, which easily flip shot half a single campaign to break. Second half Denmark team using opponent's mistake and then into a ball. Although Poland regain a ball before the final, but it was too late. Finally Denmark teams to four. Come to Russia and Croatia's game. Both parties a sound attack aggressively, Croatia fitness more plentiful, they actively strive forRussia team it is difficult to organize an effective attack. Croatia's efforts finally paid off, use a corner kick opportunities, they seized the opportunity in the scrimmage the ball into the restricted area, a ball leading the end of the first half. Both fell for physical fitness of the second half, the final two teams each into a ball, Croatia border. Last game, France 6:2 victory over ItalyItalian, creating the maximum score for this event. France in the age composition is obviously better than Italy, the beginning of the game, they will demonstrate proficient ball control, through natural and smooth passing combined with suppressing opponents. France first by a midfield combination of 2 1, attacker intrusion as out flip shot broke a leading. Although Italy team within the zone of scrimmageWith France goalkeeper mistake banping scores Diablo 3 gold, but France clearly dominated the team after all, strength, ultimately 6:2 scores of bloodied opponent TERA Power Leveling, final four ticket. At this point, eliminating race ended on the first day. Finally broke into the top four teams are Spain, and Denmark, and Croatia and France. Coincidence is that they were from Group b and d, a, c, two teams of the GroupOut of the game. This simulation game will scramble for semi-final on Sunday, believes competition will be more intense. Others: